Organic Analytical Toxicology Branch

The Organic Analytical Toxicology (OAT) Branch develops analytical methods to measure synthetic and naturally occurring organic environmental chemicals in people. Among the many chemicals measured are dioxins; polybrominated biphenyl ethers; polychlorinated biphenyls; polyfluorinated alkyls; environmental phenols; PAHs, phthalates; and pesticides, including herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides. Branch scientists measure these chemicals or their metabolites in human samples (e.g., urine, blood, serum, breast milk, and meconium). For many of these chemicals, OAT produces data on population-based exposure levels segmented by age, sex, and race or ethnicity and publishes this information in CDC’s National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals.

Page last reviewed: March 6, 2019