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Application Components

Application available at

A complete application consists of the following documents. Use this checklist to keep track of the required documents.

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

CV must be uploaded by the applicant as part of the application and must include the following:

  • Applicant Information.
  • Education History. List all institutions from which you received or expect to receive a degree beginning with current or most recent institution. Include the name of the academic institution, degree awarded or expected, date of awarded or expected degree, and academic discipline.
  • Work and Research Experience. List all work and research experiences beginning with current or most recent. Include the name of the employer, location, position held, and time period.
  • Leadership Experience. List experiences (e.g., work, civic, volunteer, research) that demonstrate your leadership skills. Detail your role, type of experience, organization, location, and duration.
  • Honors and Awards. List in chronological order (most recent first) any awards or public recognition. Include the name of awarding institution, title of the award or honor, and date of award or honor.
  • Publications. List publications in the following order: 1) referee journals; 2) books; 3) published proceedings; 4) non-refereed articles; and 5) patents. Citations must include a) authors; b) year of publication; c) title; d) full name of journal; e) volume number; and f) page number(s).

Research Proposal

  • The research proposal must address both the Core Research Project and the Innovation Project. See Research Proposals for detailed information of the research proposal requirements and expectations. The Core Research Proposal must be specific to the research topic listed in the application.
  • If you are applying to more than one research topic, submit a separate proposal for each. A proposal must be approved by the research mentor listed in the application with the selected research topic.
  • Distinguish between past research and proposed research.
  • Research proposal must be uploaded as a single PDF document as part of the application.


  • References must be two professional or scientific references familiar with the applicant's qualifications.
  • One of the references must be from the dissertation advisor.
  • Reference letters are due on May 30, 2016, 11:59 p.m. EDT.

Letter of Support

  • The applicant must forward the Letter of Support from Research Mentor form to the research mentor.
  • The research mentor's curriculum vitae (two pages) must be submitted with Letter of Support to the applicant to upload as part of the application.

Confirmation of Graduation Date

This is required only of applicants currently enrolled in a Ph.D. program.

  • Letter from authorized academic official confirming the timeframe for graduation.
  • Letter must be printed on the academic institution letterhead and include the name of the applicant, date applicant is expected to complete the degree requirements or expected date of graduation, and signature of academic official and sent directly to the applicant.
  • Letter must be uploaded by applicant as part of the application.


Transcripts from your current institution or from the institution that awarded the Ph.D. must be uploaded by the applicant as part of the application. Transcripts from foreign institutions must be accompanied by an English translation.