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Program Description

The Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Science, Technology and Policy (STP) Program serves as a next step in the educational and professional development of scientists and engineers interested in energy efficiency and renewable energy policy. The EERE STP Program provides an opportunity for highly talented scientists and engineers to participate in policy-related projects at DOE's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Washington, D.C. and Golden, CO site office. EERE STP participants apply the expertise gained from their education and history of conducting research to new and ongoing EERE initiatives. As a result of their participation on this program, participants are expected to:

  • Gain deep insight into the federal government's role in the creation and implementation of policies that affect energy technology development.
  • Contribute to the implementation of energy policies by applying their scientific and technical expertise to the development of solutions for problems in areas of energy efficiency and renewable energy.
  • Continue their education and involvement in areas that support the EERE mission either in a technical or policy-related role.
  • Introduce policy-related knowledge and interest into research facilities supporting the EERE mission.

Three levels of participation (Levels 1-3) provide opportunities to a range of experience levels from recent graduates to experienced scientists and engineers to participate in the program. All participants will be provided the opportunity to participate in policy-related projects and be mentored by senior EERE staff.

The EERE STP program is administered by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) in collaboration with EERE. ORISE is responsible for the implementation of the participation program, processing applications, the review and notification processes, and management of payments to participants.

Program Areas

The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) consists of several offices that support EERE's mission.







Government Energy Management


Hydrogen & Fuel Cells



Strategic Programs/Cross-cutting

Sustainability Performance Office


Appointments will be awarded to applicants based on academic level and experience. Level 3 are Master's or Ph.D. graduates who have held a graduate degree for more than three years at the time of application and have post-degree experience in a technical or research capacity. Level 2 is recent Master's or Ph.D. graduates who have held a graduate degree for less than three years at the time of application. Level 1 is recent Bachelor's graduates who have held a degree for less than five years at the time of application.

Ideal Candidates will:
  • Have a superior academic performance and publication record.
  • Have strong analytical, research and communication (oral and written) skills and demonstrated capacity for creative thinking.
  • Have a strong technical background and expertise in an energy-technology-related field.
  • Be interested in being part of a multi-disciplinary, fast-paced environment, focused on energy technology research and development.
Required Qualifications for Level 3:
  • Doctorate or Master's degree for more than 3 years in an energy-relevant field of science, engineering or other highly quantitative field such as economics. If more than five years since receipt of graduate degree, applicant must have at least three years of post-degree experience in a technical or research position in a field related to energy innovation.
  • Be a U.S. citizen or have Permanent Resident (Green Card) status.
  • Experience and knowledge in technology commercialization is desirable, but not required.
Required Qualifications for Level 2:
  • Hold a Ph.D. or Master's degree for no more than 3 years in an energy-relevant field of science, engineering or other highly quantitative field such as economics.
  • Be a U.S. citizen or have Permanent Resident (Green Card) status.
Required Qualifications for Level 1:
  • Bachelor's degree for less than five years in an energy-relevant field of science, engineering or other highly quantitative field such as economics.
  • Be a U.S. citizen or have Permanent Resident (Green Card) status.
  • Matriculated undergraduates may be considered for short term appointments.
Other Important Information:
  • Applicants enrolled in a graduate program at the time of application may not begin the program until all degree obligations have been met.
  • Applicants holding a postdoctoral/employment position at the time of application must rescind from all employment or affiliation commitments before the beginning of the appointment.
  • This will be an equal opportunity program open to all qualified individuals without regard to race, color, age, sex, religion, national origin, mental or physical disability, genetic information, sexual orientation or covered veteran's status.


Initial appointments are for one year and may be extended for four additional years. Participants will receive the following benefits during each appointment year


Stipends will be based on academic level and commensurate with qualifications:

  • Level 3: The stipend amount for Level 3 will be based on the rate for participants plus a factor for years of experience after the receipt of the graduate degree.
  • Level 2: Participants with a Ph.D. will receive a stipend starting at $76,378. Participants with a Master's degree will start at $58,000.
  • Level 1: The stipend rates for Level 1 participants will start at $47,684. The stipend rates for matriculated undergraduates will be competitive with other summer programs.

An increase of the stipend amount may be offered during the second-year of the appointment. The increase will be determined based on the participation level and availability of funds. Stipend payments will be made monthly via electronic funds transfer into a single financial account.

Health Insurance

A stipend supplement will be provided to cover the cost of the individual or family health insurance plan offered by Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE), which includes medical coverage and a prescription drug plan.

Relocation Travel

Relocation expenses, not to exceed $5,000, incurred in relocating from the participant's current address to Washington, D.C. (if more than 50 miles from the address shown on the application), may be reimbursed. Relocation expenses may include transportation, shipment of household goods within the United States, temporary lodging, and per diem. Reimbursements are governed by federal travel regulations and the ORISE Travel Policy.

Education/Travel Allowance

Participants will receive an education/travel allowance of $10,000 per appointment year to cover expenses related to research and/or participation in scientific and professional development activities. This includes domestic and foreign travel to professional development experiences, scientific/technical research conferences, professional meetings and other activities.

Review Criteria

Applicants will be evaluated on the basis of their academic and research record, expertise in their field of study, interest in applying their technical skills and knowledge to policy-related issues, and potential for making contributions to the solution of problems in areas of energy efficiency and renewable energy policy. Priority for selection will be given to applicants whose area of expertise is interdisciplinary and/or innovative and well-aligned with current policy issues. The review process may include phone and/or in-person interviews with potential candidates. Review of applications and final selections will be made by an internal panel of science, technology and policy experts from the EERE Program sponsoring the program.

Conditions and Obligations

Length of the Appointment

The initial appointment period for the STP program is one year. Appointments may be extended for four additional years. Extension of the appointment will be subject to satisfactory progress toward completion of the project assignments, and availability of funds. Final decisions regarding the extension of the appointment for a second year will be made by the EERE program office.

Appointment Start Date

A participant's appointment may start within a few weeks from the date the candidate is notified of the award. All contingencies of an appointment offer must be met before the selected applicant can begin an appointment.

Conditions of the Award
  • Participants will become administratively associated with Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) through a letter of appointment and Terms of Appointment. Participants will be required to sign and abide by the appointment letter, the Terms of Appointment, and other documents required by EERE.
  • Participants will be considered participants in an education program and will not enter into an employer/employee relationship with Department of Energy, ORISE, or ORAU. No commitment with regards to future employment should be inferred or expected by the offer or acceptance of an offer to participate. ORISE is managed by ORAU for the Department of Energy.
  • Participants will be required to commit to continuous resident participation for the duration of the appointment and to avoid obligations that will interrupt their participation during the term of appointment. Participants will be expected to maintain a full-time schedule during the appointment except for normal holidays recognized by the host facility and authorized vacation approved by the research mentor.
  • Participants will be expected to adhere to the DOE laws, policies, and procedures, including standards of competency, conduct, appearance, and integrity.
  • Appointments are contingent on the participant's receipt of the necessary security clearance to access EERE Offices or EERE-approved venues.
  • Participants are not allowed to supplement their stipends through simultaneous employment, grants, or other sources of income that compete with the participant's appointment activities.
  • Awards, prizes, review, panel honoraria, scholarships, Veterans Administration benefits, sabbatical leave, and any other payments may be accepted by an EERE participant provided that these payments do not represent dual payment for the same activity.
  • Participants must acknowledge the support of EERE on publications and presentations that are related to their participation in the STP program and to provide a copy of such publications to EERE and ORISE. Pursuant to Title 35 U.S. Code, Section 212, no provision of the ORISE Terms of Appointment or any other document to be completed by a participant may contain any provision giving ORISE any rights to inventions made by the participant. However, EERE may have different interests in this regard and may impose additional requirements as a condition of participation in this program. Participants are expected to comply with DOE policies regarding the intellectual property rights and dissemination of information.
  • By accepting an offer of appointment, participants agree to respond to future inquiries by ORISE concerning their participation in the STP Program.
Progress and Final Reports

Participants are expected to present a report to EERE and ORISE summarizing progress towards completion of the assigned projects and tasks, key accomplishments, and program impact. In addition, in order to document the effectiveness of the program, participants are required to submit a final report to help EERE and ORISE assess the effectiveness of the program.

How to Apply

Applications for the STP program are accepted and reviewed all year, except for applications to the Solar SunShot Initiative. SunShot applications are reviewed (and offers are made) two times per year with rolling application deadlines of January 15th and June 15th. The SunShot application review process takes approximately 3-4 months.

Applications must be submitted through  Applicants may apply for the area of programmatic interest by clicking on program areas below. Curriculum Vitae is required with the application. CV must include the following:

  • Applicant Information
  • Education History. List all institutions from which you received or expect to receive a degree, beginning with current or most recent institution. Include the name of the academic institution, degree awarded or expected, date of awarded or expected degree, and academic discipline.
  • Work and Research Experience. List all work and research experiences beginning with current or most recent. Include the name of the employer, location, position held, and time period involved.
  • Leadership Experience. List experiences (e.g., work, civic, volunteer, research) that demonstrate your leadership skills. Detail your role, type of experience, organization, location, and duration.
  • Honors and Awards. List in chronological order (most recent first) any awards or public recognitions. Include the name of awarding institution, title of the award or honor, and date of award or honor.
  • Publications. List publications in the following order: 1) referee journals; 2) books; 3) published proceedings; 4) non-refereed articles; and 5) patents. Citations must include a) authors; b) year of publication; c) title; d) full name of journal; e) volume number; and f) page number(s).

Applicants are required to provide contact information for three recommendations in order to complete the application. Letters of recommendation are not required to complete an application. Selected candidates will be notified to submit letters of recommendation as part of the final selection process. Letters must come from three professional or scientific individuals familiar with the applicant's qualifications. Recommenders should provide comments (preferably with specific examples) regarding the applicant's personal characteristics and scientific capabilities that will assist in providing a complete picture of the applicant's abilities and qualifications.

To view a list of current opportunities and apply, please visit

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