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Student Programs and Internships

Student Internships

These student programs allow participants taking at least a half-time academic, technical, or vocational course load in an accredited high school, technical, vocational, two- or four- year college or university, graduate or professional school to be part of a cooperative-learning environment. The program is comprised of two different types of paid internships:

  1. The Student Temporary Employment Program (STEP) provides maximum flexibility because the nature of the work does not have to be related to the student's academic or career choice.
  2. The Student Career Experience Program (SCEP) provides the opportunity to perform work that is directly related to your area of study.

Student Stipend-Based Internships Programs

The DOE offers stipend-based internship programs. These internships are generally available in scientific research, administration, and business fields and typically occur in the summer for 8-10 weeks. These stipend-based programs are temporary positions that offer an insight into how the agency works and an opportunity to be part of our innovation. At the end of the program, you are encouraged to seek out another opportunity within DOE to continue your career.

DOE Scholars Program - Location: Nationwide

The DOE Scholars Program introduces students or recent college graduates to DOE’s mission and operations. As a participant in the DOE Scholars Program, you will have a competitive edge for familiarizing yourself with DOE functions while showcasing your education, talent, and skills.

DOE Office of General Counsel - Location: Headquarters

The Office of General Counsel offers semester and summer internship opportunities for law students and undergraduates. Internships offer students an opportunity to gain firsthand exposure to cutting-edge issues in energy law and policy and experience in a number of energy-related practice areas, including: energy efficiency, nuclear security and non-proliferation, renewable technologies, alternate fuels vehicles, environmental compliance, intellectual property, alternative dispute resolution, and loan guarantee programs.

Minority Educational Institution Student Partnership Program (MEISPP) - Location: Nationwide

The Minority Educational Institution Partnership Program offers talented undergraduate and graduate students summer internship positions with the U.S. Department of Energy and its national laboratories.

Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship - Location: Nationwide

A 10-Week Summer Internship for Women and Minority Students
The Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship (MLEF) is an internship program for women and under-represented minority students who are pursuing academic majors in science, technology, engineering, and math.  The Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Fossil Energy.