Tools and Trainings

Better Buildings, Better Plants: Tools and Training

Featured Tools and Training:
Featured Tools and Training:
Featured Tools and Training:

Better Plants provides partners with a variety of resources to help them improve internal expertise and achieve their energy savings goals. Technical assistance is delivered through technical account managers who help companies develop energy management plans, identify energy-saving opportunities, and track energy performance metrics. Better Plants Partners can also participate in or host in- plant training sessions. During these unique, 3- to 4-day sessions, experts in industrial energy efficiency train plant staff in establishing an energy management system, conducting plant assessments, applying DOE tools, and implementing cost-effective projects.

Supporting Resources

Better Plants provides partners with access to other valuable DOE technical assistance programs that can expand and enhance their energy efficiency efforts.

A growing number of Better Plants partners are taking advantage of DOE’s Superior Energy Performance® (SEP™) program to develop advanced energy management systems and verify their energy savings.





Partners have priority access to no-cost energy assessments from DOE’s Industrial Assessment Centers. Teams at 24 universities around the country conduct the energy audits to identify opportunities to improve productivity, reduce waste, and save energy. 





Combined heat and power (CHP) is an efficient and clean approach to generating on-site electric power and useful thermal energy from a single fuel source. DOE’s CHP Technical Assistance Partnerships are available to help you determine whether CHP is the right solution for your plant or building.