
Join Better Plants

Any company in the U.S. manufacturing sector or large energy user organizations can join Better Plants, regardless of size or level of energy management expertise. Partners set ambitious energy efficiency goals and champion continuous improvement in energy management throughout their operations.

Contact for further information. Companies joining Better Plants:

  • Sign a voluntary agreement to reduce energy intensity by 25% over ten years organization-wide.
  • Develop an energy use baseline and track the change in energy intensity.
  • Designate an energy manager.
  • Report energy data, number of facilities involved, and progress each year.

To join, sign a 2-page partnership agreement form. The form should be signed by the CEO or a senior executive and submitted to


Join the Better Plants Challenge

Over 30 leading industrial organizations have stepped up to the Better Buildings, Better Plants Challenge, the industrial component of the Better Buildings Challenge – a national, multi-sector energy efficiency leadership initiative.

In addition to setting energy efficiency goals, Better Plants Challenge Partners provide added transparency around their market-leading strategies, actions, and results—to help other organizations replicate their success. Challenge partners’ exceptional efforts are also eligible for enhanced recognition from DOE. Contact for further information.


Better Plants Partner Results: Read more in the 2015 Fall Progress Update