About the Better Buildings Alliance

The Better Buildings Alliance is a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) effort to promote energy efficiency in U.S. commercial buildings through collaboration with building owners, operators, and managers. Members of the Better Buildings Alliance commit to addressing energy efficiency needs in their buildings by setting energy savings goals, developing innovative energy efficiency resources, and adopting advanced cost-effective technologies and market practices.

DOE first began working with market partners in 2009 to further energy efficiency through the Better Buildings Alliance (formerly Commercial Building Energy Alliance) and the program has since gained momentum. It now plays a crucial role in helping move our country closer to the Administration’s Better Buildings Initiative target of 20 percent energy savings by 2020, announced by President Obama in 2011. Cutting the energy use of U.S. buildings by 20 percent from current levels would save approximately $80 billion annually on energy bills, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and create thousands of jobs.

The Better Buildings Alliance has grown to include more than 200 members, representing over 10 billion commercial square feet across six key market sectors: retail, food service, commercial real estate, healthcare, and higher education. Members agree to participate in at least one Alliance activity each year and share their successes with their peers, while DOE commits to connect members with technical resources, and provide a platform for peer exchange. Members bring their powerful insights and industry experience in affiliation with DOE technical experts to develop and demonstrate innovative, cost-effective, and energy-saving technologies and market practices. Together, they catalyze innovation--releasing performance specifications and best practice guidelines for members to deploy.

Better Buildings Alliance members who commit to increased transparency and a minimum of a 20 percent energy improvement goal by 2020 are also eligible for higher-level recognition through the Better Buildings Challenge. Check out this informational document for more information on the Better Buildings Alliance and Better Buildings Challenge.

The Advanced Rooftop Unit Campaign: Improve Conditioning Efficiency
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