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Productivity of Black Oystercatchers in Southwest Alaska
December 31, 2020

Productivity of Black Oystercatchers in Southwest Alaska

The black oystercatcher, a keystone species in nearshore ecosystems, plays an important role in structuring nearshore systems and is highly susceptible to human disturbance. Current inventory and monitoring efforts may not adequately address the information needs for estimating long-term trends for this species. To address these issues, the goal of this research is to

 Standard Fish Sampling Techniques and Environmental DNA for Characterizing Fish Relative Abundance,
December 15, 2020

Standard Fish Sampling Techniques

Examining environmental deoxyribonucleic acid (eDNA) in water samples has demonstrated promise for identifying fish species present in water bodies. However, whether or not this same approach can be used to assess relative abundance, biomass, and species composition in large (greater than [>] 200-hectare) waterbodies is unclear. This research compared

November 30, 2020

La encrucijada del fuego silvestre

La relación entre la gente y los incendios forestales siempre ha sido paradójica: el fuego es esencial como proceso ecológico y herramienta de gestión, pero también puede ser perjudicial para la vida y la propiedad. En consecuencia, los regímenes de incendios se han modificado a lo largo de la historia, mediante quemas intencionales para promover sus beneficios o mediante

November 30, 2020

Wildfire at the Crossroads

The relationship between people and wildfire has always been paradoxical: fire is an essential ecological process and management tool but can also be detrimental to life and property. Consequently, fire regimes have been modified throughout history through both intentional burning to promote benefits and active suppression to reduce risks. Reintroducing fire and its

White River spinedace
November 18, 2020

White River spinedace

White River spinedace. Photo taken Wayne E. Kirch Wildlife Management Area, Lund, NV.

White River spinedace
November 17, 2020

White River spinedace

White River spinedace. Photo taken Wayne E. Kirch Wildlife Management Area, Lund, NV.

White River desert sucker
November 17, 2020

White River desert sucker

White River desert sucker. Photo taken Wayne E. Kirch Wildlife Management Area, Lund, NV.

USGS PIT detection antenna, Flag Springs Complex, eastern Nevada
November 17, 2020

USGS passive integrated transponder (PIT) detection antenna

Passive integrated transponder detection antenna located in the Flag Springs Complex in eastern Nevada. This is the only place on earth where White River spinedace still exist.

White River spinedace
November 16, 2020

White River spinedace

White River spinedace. Photo taken Wayne E. Kirch Wildlife Management Area, Lund, NV.

Click image for full description and details.
November 6, 2020

Department of the Interior Bison Conservation Initiative 2020

Since the late 19th century, the Department of the Interior, in collaboration with others, has been a leader in shared conservation stewardship of bison and manages...

  • 11,000 plains bison
  • 19 herds
  • On 4.6 million acres of the National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, & Bureau of Land Management
  • In 12 states
Attribution: Ecosystems
Chiropterologist coloring page
October 28, 2020

Chiropterologist coloring page

Chiropterologist coloring page.

Attribution: Ecosystems
October 23, 2020

I Am A...Chiropterologist (Halloween Edition)

As #BatWeek comes to an end, we figured it’s the perfect time to get a little bit more…animated. Over the last few weeks the USGS has been highlighting a handful of careers in our “I Am A..." web series. Since we are all batty at the moment, it seems like the perfect time to put the spotlight on chiropterologists, or bat scientists. One favor, though, please promise to not

Attribution: Ecosystems