Status and Trends Program


To protect, conserve, and restore the living resources—plants, animals, habitats, ecosystems—entrusted to their care, land and resource managers must understand the condition, or status (e.g., abundance, distribution, productivity, health), of those resources as well as their trends (i.e., how these variables change over time).

EMA Animal Welfare Assurance Website

How do we know it's spring?

How do we know it

The First Leaf and First Bloom Indices are synthetic measures of these early season events in plants, based on recent temperature conditions. Get weekly updates about spring leaf out and blooms from the National Phenology Network!

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Restoration Assessment & Monitoring Program for the Southwest (RAMPS)

Restoration Assessment & Monitoring Program for the Southwest (RAMPS)

RAMPS seeks to assist U.S. Department of the Interior and other land management agencies and private partners in developing successful restoration strategies for dryland ecosystems.

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Learn more about the Status and Trends Program

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Innovative Research and Tools

Inventory and Monitoring

Management and Restoration

Populations and Health


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Date published: July 22, 2020

RESEARCH BRIEF: RestoreNet Report Card

RestoreNet is a networked ecological experiment testing restoration treatments across the arid Southwest. Seven experimental sites were installed in the Summer of 2018 on the rangelands of Northern Arizona. The experiments tested seed mixes with various treatments to increase revegetation success (see photos above). These are the results after the first year.

Read more about...

Date published: May 20, 2020

RESEARCH BRIEF: Cost- benefit analysis of vegetation removal + seeding

Weighing costs relative to outcomes: woody and invasive plant removal followed by seeding in shrublands and woodlands.

New study by RAMPS researchers examines how the costs of vegetation treatments related to outcomes. 


Date published: May 18, 2020

RAMPS Newsletter - Spring 2020 Edition

This season's edition of the Restoration Assessment and Monitoring Program for the Southwest Newsletter contains recent program highlights including research updates from our RestoreNet experiment, recently awarded funding, field updates and more.

To subscribe to our newsletter, please visit: ...


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Year Published: 2019

Evidence for a duplicated mitochondrial region in Audubon’s shearwater based on MinION sequencing

Mitochondrial genetic markers have been extensively used to study the phylogenetics and phylogeography of many birds, including seabirds of the order Procellariiformes. Evidence suggests that part of the mitochondrial genome of Procellariiformes, especially albatrosses, is duplicated, but no DNA fragment covering the entire duplication has been...

Torres, Lucas; Welch, Andreanna J.; Zanchetta, Catherine; Chesser, Terry; Manno, Maxime; Donnadieu, Cecile; Bretagnolle, Vincent; Pante, Eric

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Year Published: 2018

Taxonomic evaluation of the three “type” specimens of the fringe-footed shrew, Sorex fimbripes Bachman, 1837 (Mammalia: Soricidae) and recommended nomenclatural status of the name

John Bachman (1837:391) described the “fringe-footed shrew,” Sorex fimbripes Bachman, 1837, in his landmark monograph on the North American Soricidae (Mammalia: Eulipotyphla), in which he recognized 13 uniquely New World species. Characters he attributed to S. fimbripes resulted in its being interpreted as a tiny, semi-aquatic species and...

Woodman, Neal

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Year Published: 2018

American Recent Eulipotyphla: Nesophontids, Solenodons, Moles, and Shrews in the New World

The mammalian taxonomic order Eulipotyphla is comprised of the living taxonomic families Erinaceidae (gymnures, hedgehogs, and moonrats), Solenodontidae (solenodonts), Soricidae (shrews), and Talpidae (desmans and moles). Morphological and molecular studies continue to alter our view of relationships within and among these families, and this...

Woodman, Neal