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The Advanced Building Construction (ABC) Initiative integrates energy efficiency solutions into highly productive U.S. construction practices for new buildings and retrofits.

What is ABC?
Learn about BTO’s efforts to develop energy efficiency technologies and modernize U.S. construction and renovation practices.
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The ABC Initiative Strategy
Investing in innovative technologies and engaging diverse building industry stakeholders to create market-viable solutions
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The ABC Collaborative
Aligning key building industry stakeholders
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Leading Organizations
Research organizations and reports that informed establishment of the ABC Initiative
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DOE-Funded Projects
Innovative solutions for ABC
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ABC News, Blogs, and Updates

Webinars exploring the frameworks and techniques researchers use to evaluate the energy use of buildings over their entire lifespans.
BTO awarded $26.3 million to 40 competitively selected projects to pursue innovations that can advance the goals of the ABC Initiative.
With more than 90% of our lives spent indoors, buildings have a big impact on the quality of our lives.
BTO researches, develops, and validates building technologies that are helping the United States achieve a clean and affordable energy future.
This is the first article in a new web series on one of the Building Technologies Office’s new initiatives: Advanced Building Construction.
With BTO and AMO funding, ORNL developed the technology to manufacture the precast concrete panels that make up the façade of the Domino Sugar Site A
Funding Opportunity Announcement aims to develop deep energy retrofit and new construction technologies.
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