About ERPO

The National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) Extramural Research Program Office (ERPO) is the focal point for the development, peer review, and post-award management of extramural research awards for NCIPC and the National Center for Environmental Health/Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry; and ensures their extramural research portfolios are designed for maximum public health impact.

Why We Do Extramural Research

Everyone regardless of age, race, or economic status can be affected by injuries and violence. Injuries and violence are among the top 10 leading causes of death in the United States. While many may view injuries as inevitable or unavoidable, they are in fact predictable and preventable.

At CDC’s Injury Center, we translate science into effective programs and policies that prevent unintentional and violence-related injuries and that minimize the consequences of injuries when they occur. Research is fundamental to our success because thorough, accurate data are essential in making sound, smart investments. Research provides the knowledge that we need to understand what is possible, what is not, and the best way to proceed in our intervention efforts (CDC Research Priorities 2018pdf icon).


The role of the ERPO includes serving as the liaison between research award recipients and the Office of Grant Service in coordination with Division programs.  ERPO plans, develops, coordinates, and evaluates extramural research activities of the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control and the National Center for Environmental Health/Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. CDC is entrusted by the public to use research dollars where they will have the maximum impact on public health. Good management of research involves three key steps.

  1. Identification of research priorities.
  2. Translation of these priorities into a balanced portfolio of intramural and extramural research.
  3. Evaluation of research programs and outcomes. In addition, a fourth step is implied, i.e. the incorporation of lessons learned from evaluation into future prioritization and research.

ERPO Life Cycle

The Extramural Research Program Office develops, plans, coordinates, implements, monitors, and evaluates extramural research that is designed to address Center priorities.

(Please hover over each step in the life cycle for more information.)

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