Preventing Hate Crimes in your Community

Preventing Hate Crimes in your Community

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Preventing Hate Crimes in Your Community


Experts estimate an average of 250,000 hate crimes were committed each year between 2004 and 2015 in the United States. The majority of these were not reported to law enforcement. Read more here.


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Everyone has a role in stopping hate and creating safe, inclusive communities. How can you take action against hate?

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What can law enforcement do?

1. Lynn Langton and Michael Planty, Hate Crime, 2003–2009 (U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2011),

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For other steps communities can take to stop hate:

According to the FBI’s 2018 hate crimes statistics, juveniles committed 15.3% of hate crimes reported in 2018, and 9.2% of hate incidents occurred at schools or colleges. While not all bullying amounts to a hate crime, strong partnerships to stop and prevent bullying among school-aged children may also help to prevent hate crimes.

For resources on how to stop and prevent bullying, see

Hate Crimes - Get Help Now

Description of images on this page:

Identify Potential Partners – Community Policing Model: The graphic highlights all the potential partners who are part of a whole Community Policing Model and provides a description of each possible partner:

  • Schools and Universities – School administrators, counselors, teachers, campus clubs, or school nurses
  • Justice – Courts, pre-trial services, probation, or corrections
  • Victim Advocates – Nonprofits or social services
  • Federal Agencies – Law enforcement, prosecutors, analysts, victim advocates, or other federal representatives
  • Community Organizations/Institutions – The public library, unity coalition, human relations commission, social justice organization, neighborhood crime prevention association, or groups working to eliminate discrimination
  • Industry or Business Associations – Individual businesses, the Chamber of Commerce, professional associations, or labor unions
  • Media – The local newspaper, alternative weekly news, radio shows, television news or public affairs programs, or popular community blogs
  • Faith-based Organizations – Religious institutions or interfaith groups
  • Civic Leaders – The local mayor, city manager, city council members, or other city officials
  • Law Enforcement – The local police department, sheriff’s office, or campus or school resources officers

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Understand the Problem, SARA: The image shows four steps of the SARA model shown in a honeycomb-like chain link pattern:

  • S – Scanning – Identifying and prioritizing problems
  • A – Analysis – Researching what is known about the problem
  • R – Response – Developing solutions to bring about lasting reductions in the number and extent of problems
  • A – Assessment – Evaluating the success of the responses

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