Anti-Gang Seminar for Law Enforcement Chief Executives

Who Should Attend

This one-day seminar is intended for police chiefs, sheriffs, and other law enforcement chief executives. It is designed to be a collegial, facilitated event in which the participants’ experiences are shared and constitute the educational value.

Training Topics

  • Denial of Gang Presence or Problems—denial of community gang problems by law enforcement, political leaders, and community members

  • Information and Intelligence Collection and Sharing—problems in information sharing and how law enforcement executives may address those problems

  • Law Enforcement’s Role in Gang Prevention and Intervention—role and responsibilities of law enforcement executives in implementing and supporting gang prevention and intervention programs

  • Reacting to Gang-Related Critical Incidents—law enforcement executives’ reactions to critical gang-related incidents can affect an agency’s image and ability to function during or after the incident

  • Media Relations—appropriate ways of dealing with the media regarding gang issues and incidents

  • Staffing the Gang Suppression Function: Specialized Units or Task Forces—factors, advantages, and disadvantages to consider when establishing gang units

  • Current Trends—current trends in gang issues including gang crime shifts, technology, suppression techniques, and gang-related legislation

  • Funding and Resources—gang-related funding and other resources relevant to law enforcement executives

  • Miscellaneous Topics—miscellaneous gang-related topics or issues that affect law enforcement executives and their agencies

Registration Information

Currently, there are no Anti-Gang Seminars for Law Enforcement Chief Executives scheduled. Please continue to check this site for schedule updates.