Program Evaluation

Conducting routine evaluations that provide information for program management and strengthen program effectiveness should be a part of all state and local education and public health programs.

Evaluating Your Program

Planning your evaluation is critical to having a successful evaluation. Evaluation planning provides an opportunity to focus your evaluation on things that are most critical for you and your stakeholders to understand about your program. Evaluation planning should be conducted as part of overall program planning so that evaluation is built into your program from the beginning.

Evaluation Planning Resources

The CDC Framework for Program Evaluation guides public health professionals in program evaluation. It is a practical, non-prescriptive tool designed to summarize and organize essential elements of program evaluation. The framework includes steps in program evaluation practice and standards for effective program evaluation. The steps and standards of this framework will provide an understanding of each program’s context and improve how program evaluations are conceived and conducted.

Evaluation Briefs
Developing an Effective Evaluation Plan

Developing an Effective Evaluation PlanCdc-pdf is a workbook developed by the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion that includes tools and resources on developing an evaluation plan.

Use evaluation findings to plan program improvements. Evaluation data should be compared with your program goals and objectives to make program improvements.

Develop reports and presentations to inform program staff and key stakeholders at the local, state, and federal levels about your program. These reports can help make a case for the continuation or expansion of well-planned and implemented programs and can gather support for future program improvements.

DASH funded partners are asked to submit success stories annually to DASH that highlight accomplishments of their programs.

Resources: Share Results & Improve Program

The following resources may help you effectively use your evaluation results to make your program more effective:

The following resource may help you create success stories: