National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day Resources

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We Can Prevent HIV!

April 10th is National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day (NYHAAD)external icon. The day was created to educate the public about the impact of HIV/AIDS on young people and to highlight the work going on across the country to respond to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. CDC recognizes the importance of investing in young people’s health through prevention and education as a critical step to achieving an AIDS-free generation. Access resources on this page to educate partners, stakeholders and community members about youth HIV prevention.

Additional Resources

NYHAAD Graphics

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NYHAAD Infographics
Infographic: DASH snapshot for condoms, STDS
Infographic: Students are making better decisions about sexual behaviors and drug use. But its not enough to protect them from HIV ans STDs.
Infographic: Nationwide, nearly 1 in 7 students reported misusing prescription opioids, which can lead to overdoses and future injection drug use as well as increased risk for HIV
Image of YRBS data helps us understand what puts students at risk for HIV.
Infographic: Did you know? School health programs can help reduce the risk for HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in youth
Since 2008, fewer school across states taught HIV prevention topics, dropping from 93% to 87% in 2018.
In 2018, less than 2% of schools across states provided on-site HIV or STD testing for students.
CDC estimates that nearly 20 million new sexually transmitted infections occur every year in the United States, half among young people ages 15-24.
1 in 5 new HIV diagnoses in the United States occurs in young people.
Infographic: CDC DASH Pinterest
Parent Engagement: Research shows that when parents and school staff work together, students are healthier and more successful.
Teens report that their parents have the greatest influence over their risk behavior decisions--more than friends, siblings, or the media.
Parent Engagement: Research shows that when parents and school staff work together, students are healthier and more successful.
Teens report that their parents have the greatest influence over their risk behavior decisions--more than friends, siblings, or the media.
Parent Engagement: Research shows that when parents and school staff work together, students are healthier and more successful.
How can fathers help their adolescents avoid sexual risk behaviors? By being available to talk regularly and setting clear expectations.
Schools play a critical role in promoting the health and saftey of young people and helping them establish lifelong healthy behaviors.
Image of YRBS data has been used to inform teacher professional development.
Infographic shows information on how School Health profiles data helps school administrators understand Trends.
Infographic shows how educators and health officials use School Health Profiles data to:
DASH Twitter image: Adolescent Health: What Works In Schools. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Adolescent and School Health has established an evidence-based approach to school-based HIV and STD prevention, which includes quality sexual health education, connecting students to sexual health services, and establishing safe and supportive school environments.
Health and Academics Policy Success Story
Infographic: As adolescents develop, it makes sense for them to be more engaged in their own health care.
Infographic: Adolescent Connectedness: Throughout adolescence, healthcare providers have apportunites to promote school and family connectedness. When youth feel connected, the positive effects can last into adulthood.

Fact Sheets

Social Media

Use sample content on Twitter, Facebook, or other social media platforms. Incorporate #NYHAAD to get NYHAAD content trending.


  • April 10th is National Youth #HIV & AIDS Awareness Day, an opportunity to discuss the connection between education and health in the fight against #HIV. #NYHAAD
  • Schools play a key role in reducing youth risk for #HIV by teaching and supporting healthy behaviors. #NYHAAD
  • School-based #HealthEd programs provide youth with a safe and supportive environment to learn about #HIV prevention. #NYHAAD
  • How can schools encourage students to get tested for #HIV?
    • Access the #CDCYRBS data.
    • Educate students about HIV.
    • Connect students with health services.
    • Encourage students & their parents to talk about HIV.

    Learn more this #NYHAAD:

  • Over the last 10 years, the percentage of students who ever had sex has declined. Unfortunately, condom use has also gone down, putting more youth at risk for #HIV, STDs, & pregnancy. This #NYHAAD, learn more about the latest #CDCYRBS data:
  • This #NYHAAD, we look to the latest #SchoolHealth Profiles results, which show fewer schools are teaching #HIV in the classroom. Quality sexual health education can improve health outcomes for youth. Learn more:
  • Protecting student health can improve academic performance. But how do #schools know what works? This #NYHAAD, check out DASH’s series about what’s working in schools:


  • April 10th is National Youth HIV and AIDS Awareness Day! Support youth HIV prevention by promoting school-based health education programs.
  • This National Youth HIV and AIDS Awareness Day, we look to the latest Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) results, which show far too many youth are at risk for HIV. Learn more about how schools can support HIV testing among adolescents:
  • This National Youth HIV and AIDS Awareness Day, we look to the latest School Health Profiles results, which show fewer schools are teaching HIV prevention in the classroom. Quality sexual health education can improve health outcomes for youth. Learn more:
  • Protecting student health can improve academic performance. But how do #schools know what works? This National Youth HIV and AIDS Awareness Day, check out DASH’s new series about what’s working in schools:

Use sample content on Twitter, Facebook, or other social media platforms. Incorporate #NYHAAD to get NYHAAD content trending.


  • April 10th is National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day. When parents communicate honestly with their adolescents about #HIV prevention, they promote healthy decisions. #NYHAAD
  • #Parents: Being involved in your adolescents’ lives makes it more likely they will avoid behaviors that put them at risk for getting #HIV. #NYHAAD
  • Parents: #CDCYRBS tells us adolescents are making better choices about sexual behaviors, but it’s not enough to protect them from #HIV. Learn more: #NYHAAD


  • Parents: Being engaged in your adolescents’ lives can help them make healthier choices that may reduce their risk for getting HIV.
  • Parents: CDC’s latest Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) tells us adolescents are making better choices about sexual behaviors, but it’s not enough to protect them from HIV. Learn more:

Use sample content on Twitter, Facebook, or other social media platforms. Incorporate #NYHAAD to get NYHAAD content trending.


  • April 10th is National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day. When youth talk openly with their #HealthcareProvider about #SexualHealth they can receive personalized #HIV prevention strategies. #NYHAAD
  • #Clinicians help provide age-appropriate, stigma-free, culturally competent #HIV info and care to youth. Learn more about the benefit of confidential health services for young patients. #NYHAAD
  • It’s important for youth to have a #HealthcareProvider they can trust when it comes to discussing topics like #SexualHealth. #NYHAAD
  • #Clinicians: Youth are making better sexual health decisions, but it’s not enough to protect them from #HIV. #CDCYRBS data like this is critical to helping us develop ways to address adolescent behaviors/experiences. Find the latest results: #NYHAAD


  • April 10th is National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day. Healthcare providers: take this opportunity to talk with your adolescent patients about the importance of HIV prevention, testing, and treatment.
  • Clinicians: Youth are making better health decisions, but it’s not enough to protect them from HIV. Data like this from CDC’s Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) is critical to helping us develop ways to address adolescent behaviors/experiences. Find the latest results:

Use sample content on Twitter, Facebook, or other social media platforms. Incorporate #NYHAAD to get NYHAAD content trending.


  • April 10th is National Youth #HIV and AIDS Awareness Day! Use hashtag #NYHAAD to follow the conversation and get involved!
  • Did you know? One in five new #HIV diagnoses in the United States occur in young people aged 13-24. #NYHAAD
  • April 10th is National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day. #NYHAAD reminds us of the importance of investing in young people’s health and education. School-based #HealthEd programs provide youth with a safe and supportive environment to learn about #HIV prevention.
  • Help strengthen the fight against #HIV in youth by supporting safe and supportive schools, #HealthEd and #HIV testing. #NYHAAD
  • Learn why youth #HIV prevention is key to reaching an #HIVFreeGeneration. #NYHAAD
  • Get involved! When communities, schools and families work together they can help prevent #HIV among youth. #NYHAAD
  • Youth are making better sexual health decisions, but it’s not enough to protect them from #HIV. #CDCYRBS data like this is critical to helping us develop ways to address adolescent behaviors/experiences. Find the latest results: #NYHAAD
  • Sexual health services, including #HIV testing and treatment, can significantly improve an adolescent’s immediate and lifelong health. Learn more this #NYHAAD about what’s working in schools:


  • April 10th is National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day! Families, communities, and schools all play an important role in promoting healthy behaviors of youth. Find out how you can support youth #HIV prevention.
  • Youth are making better sexual health decisions, but it’s not enough to protect them from HIV. Data like this from CDC’s Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) is critical to helping us develop ways to address adolescent behaviors/experiences. Find the latest results:
  • Sexual health services, including HIV testing and treatment, can significantly improve an adolescent’s immediate and lifelong health by catching health issues early and providing effective treatments. Learn more this National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day about what’s working in schools: