Standard 4

Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.


Rationale: Effective communication enhances personal, family, and community health. This standard focuses on how responsible individuals use verbal and non-verbal skills to develop and maintain healthy personal relationships. The ability to organize and to convey information and feelings is the basis for strengthening interpersonal interactions and reducing or avoiding conflict.

Performance Indicators*


Pre-K-Grade 2
4.2.1        Demonstrate healthy ways to express needs, wants, and feelings.
4.2.2        Demonstrate listening skills to enhance health.
4.2.3        Demonstrate ways to respond in an unwanted, threatening, or dangerous situation.
4.2.4        Demonstrate ways to tell a trusted adult if threatened or harmed.

Grades 3-5
4.5.1        Demonstrate effective verbal and nonverbal communication skills to enhance health.
4.5.2        Demonstrate refusal skills that avoid or reduce health risks.
4.5.3        Demonstrate nonviolent strategies to manage or resolve conflict.
4.5.4        Demonstrate how to ask for assistance to enhance personal health.

Grades 6-8
4.8.1        Apply effective verbal and nonverbal communication skills to enhance health.
4.8.2        Demonstrate refusal and negotiation skills that avoid or reduce health risks.
4.8.3        Demonstrate effective conflict management or resolution strategies.
4.8.4        Demonstrate how to ask for assistance to enhance the health of self and others.

Grades 9-12
4.12.1       Use skills for communicating effectively with family, peers, and others to enhance health.
4.12.2       Demonstrate refusal, negotiation, and collaboration skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.
4.12.3       Demonstrate strategies to prevent, manage, or resolve interpersonal conflicts without harming self or others.
4.12.4       Demonstrate how to ask for and offer assistance to enhance the health of self and others.

* The performance indicators articulate specifically what students should know or be able to do in support of each standard by the conclusion of each of the following grade spans: Pre-K–Grade 2; Grade 3–Grade 5; Grade 6–Grade 8; and Grade 9–Grade 12. The performance indicators serve as a blueprint for organizing student assessment.