Funded Non-Governmental Organizations for Healthy Schools

School kids running in elementary school hallway, front view

Through the National Collaboration to Promote Health, Wellness, and Academic Success of School-Age Children, CDC Healthy Schools funds five national non-government organizations (NGOs) to complement and strengthen the work of state grantees. These NGOs support the grantees and their organization’s constituents to promote and implement proven policies, practices, and programs in at least one of the following school health priority areas:

CDC Healthy Schools has also awarded funding to two national organizations through the Center for State, Tribal, Local and Territorial Support (CSTLTS) Notice of Funding Opportunity (CDC-RFA- OT18-1802):

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) – Convening of National Organizations Focused on School Health Services

The purpose of this one year project is to improve the health of school-aged youth by funding a national organization to convene national organizations and other key stakeholders to create a “charge to action” that will facilitate environmental and systems changes that strengthen school health services including the management of chronic conditions.  This effort will identify policy, programmatic and research gaps in school health services and recommend strategies to address.  https://www.aap.orgexternal icon

Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE)- Building the Capacity of State Education and Health Departments in Promoting Children’s Health and Wellness

The purpose of this project is to improve the health of youth by funding a national organization to assist CDC-funded grantees and the organization’s constituents, including states, school districts or schools; to develop tools and resources that will assist with environmental and systems changes that support and reinforce healthful behaviors, reduce disparities, and address non-academic barriers to learning. The proposed activities are to be developed and delivered within the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) framework. The applicant will provide up-to-date information and resources, and professional development to help state and local health and education agency staff make informed decisions about a variety of school health issues. icon

CDC Healthy Schools continues to partner with National Association of Chronic Disease Directors (NACDD)external icon. NACDD’s school health initiatives are essential to help leaders from across the country access practical tools and resources to promote the health of their student population.