Standard 6

Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health.


Rationale: Goal-setting skills are essential to help students identify, adopt, and maintain healthy behaviors. This standard includes the critical steps that are needed to achieve both short-term and long-term health goals. These skills make it possible for individuals to have aspirations and plans for the future.

Performance Indicators*

Pre-K-Grade 2
6.2.1        Identify a short-term personal health goal and take action toward achieving the goal.
6.2.2        Identify who can help when assistance is needed to achieve a personal health goal.

Grades 3-5
6.5.1        Set a personal health goal and track progress toward its achievement.
6.5.2        Identify resources to assist in achieving a personal health goal.

Grades 6-8
6.8.1        Assess personal health practices.
6.8.2        Develop a goal to adopt, maintain, or improve a personal health practice.
6.8.3        Apply strategies and skills needed to attain a personal health goal.
6.8.4        Describe how personal health goals can vary with changing abilities, priorities, and responsibilities.

Grades 9-12
6.12.1       Assess personal health practices and overall health status.
6.12.2       Develop a plan to attain a personal health goal that addresses strengths, needs, and risks.
6.12.3       Implement strategies and monitor progress in achieving a personal health goal.
6.12.4       Formulate an effective long-term personal health plan.

* The performance indicators articulate specifically what students should know or be able to do in support of each standard by the conclusion of each of the following grade spans: Pre-K–Grade 2; Grade 3–Grade 5; Grade 6–Grade 8; and Grade 9–Grade 12. The performance indicators serve as a blueprint for organizing student assessment.