Standard 3

Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid information, products, and services to enhance health.


Rationale: Access to valid health information and health-promoting products and services is critical in the prevention, early detection, and treatment of health problems. This standard focuses on how to identify and access valid health resources and to reject unproven sources. Application of the skills of analysis, comparison, and evaluation of health resources empowers students to achieve health literacy.

Performance Indicators*


Pre-K-Grade 2
3.2.1         Identify trusted adults and professionals who can help promote health.
3.2.2         Identify ways to locate school and community health helpers.

Grades 3-5
3.5.1         Identify characteristics of valid health information, products, and services.
3.5.2         Locate resources from home, school, and community that provide valid health information.

Grades 6-8
3.8.1         Analyze the validity of health information, products, and services.
3.8.2         Access valid health information from home, school, and community.
3.8.3         Determine the accessibility of products that enhance health.
3.8.4         Describe situations that may require professional health services.
3.8.5         Locate valid and reliable health products and services.

Grades 9-12
3.12.1       Evaluate the validity of health information, products, and services.
3.12.2       Use resources from home, school, and community that provide valid health information.
3.12.3       Determine the accessibility of products and services that enhance health.
3.12.4       Determine when professional health services may be required.
3.12.5       Access valid and reliable health products and services.

* The performance indicators articulate specifically what students should know or be able to do in support of each standard by the conclusion of each of the following grade spans: Pre-K–Grade 2; Grade 3–Grade 5; Grade 6–Grade 8; and Grade 9–Grade 12. The performance indicators serve as a blueprint for organizing student assessment.