
Alabama Champions for Healthy Active Schools Initiative
Initiative reaches 139 school systems and over 700,000 students in Alabama to increase physical activity and improve nutrition.


Students running in PE class

Alabama Champions for Healthy Active Schools is a state wellness initiative for grades K–12 with the goal of achieving 60 minutes of exercise for every student in Alabama every day. Multiple Champions partners promote wellness in schools through the Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program (CSPAP)[PDF – 6.18MB], a Coordinated School Health approach, and local district and school wellness policies.

The Champions Initiative offers professional development to educators on the use of tools and models to promote physical education, physical activity and nutrition. The initiative offers training on:


Through the Champions project, the Alabama Department of Public Health, in conjunction with the Alabama State Department of Education, has reached 139 school systems and over 700,000 students through nutrition and physical activity strategies aimed at creating a healthy school environment. Partners of the Champions project expand professional development, grant funding, and technical assistance.

This program was supported by CDC’s State Public Health Actions to Prevent and Control Diabetes, Heart Disease, Obesity, and Associated Risk Factors and Promote School Health cooperative agreement (DP13-1305).