BAM Dining Decisions Mobile Game

Dining Decisions Mobile App

Which keeps you fueled longer, an apple or bacon? Play the Dining Decisions game and find out.

Dining Decisions is a CDC mobile game for kids available on iTunes and Google Play. This interactive and educational app is a fun way for kids to learn to make healthy food choices whether at home, school, or on the go.


Sort the food items into – Go, Slow, or Whoa

Test your food smarts by putting different foods into “Go,” “Slow,” or “Whoa” categories.

“Go” foods are the healthiest option, provide our bodies with the most energy or fuel, and should be eaten often. “Go” foods include:

  • Raw vegetables
  • Fruit
  • Skim or low-fat milk

“Slow” foods are not as nutritious as “Go” foods and shouldn’t be eaten every day. “Slow” foods include:

  • Waffles
  • Pizza
  • Hot dogs

“Whoa” foods have little to no nutritious value and are often high in sugar, fat, and calories. These treats should be saved for special occasions. “Whoa” foods include:

  • French fries
  • Donuts
  • Ice cream

Keep Playing

As you advance to higher levels in the game, there will be more food choices to categorize as “Go,” “Slow,” or “Whoa” and less time to do it. As you play and learn, the “Go” or healthiest choice will be easy to choose wherever you are!

The National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion developed the Dining Decisions game as part of the BAM! Body and Mind Classroom Resources for Teachers portal. The portal contains a variety of information and resources for teachers of grades 4-8 to use in the classroom and help students make healthier lifestyle choices. The game is fully accessible for visually-impaired users.