100 Years of Working Women

Women have been in the work force for more than 100 years, but in honor of the 100th Anniversary of the Women’s Bureau, find the top 10 occupations women have held in each decade since 1920. This data also includes the number of women in the labor force in each decade, and the percentage of women in the top 10 occupations.

wb 100 logo

Annual Data

Find the most recent annual averages for selected labor force characteristics. Data are presented by sex, age, race and Hispanic origin, educational attainment, marital status, and parental status when available.

latest annual data section.

Facts Over Time

Find data on how selected labor force characteristics change over time. Labor force and earnings data are presented by sex, age, race and Hispanic origin, and parental status when available.

thumbnail representing the facts over time section.

Mothers and Families

Find data on selected characteristics of mothers and families, including labor force participation rates, unemployment, occupation, family type, earnings, and family income.

chart of mothers and families section.


Find data on women's employment and earnings by occupation. An interactive visualization provides employment and earnings profiles for over 300 occupations.

chart of occupations section


Find data on earnings by sex, age, race and Hispanic origin, educational attainment, and occupation.

chart of Earnings section

Women Veterans

Find data on selected characteristics of women veterans. Data are presented by sex, period of service, and employment sector.

chart of the women veterans section

Labor Force Participation Rate Maps

Find state and county data on labor force participation rates for men and women and by presence and age of children.

labor force map

Other Resources

Find links to selected websites, reports and data resources for women in the labor force. Links to additional resources for the sections above may be found at the bottom of each page.


Labor Force
