Centennial Launch

In this video, Women's Bureau Director Dr. Laurie Todd-Smith announces the Women's Bureau Centennial campaign.

Women in Service: A Conversation with Four Military Leaders on Blazing Trails in the Armed Forces

Women in Service: A Conversation with Four Military Leaders on Blazing Trails in the Armed Forces

On February 20, 2020, the U.S. Department of Labor's Women's Bureau and its Veterans' Employment and Training Service hosted a special event to celebrate African American History Month and the Women’s Bureau Centennial: "Women in Service: A Conversation with Four Military Leaders on Blazing Trails in the Armed Forces." Four African American women veterans discussed their experiences leading in the military, as well as ways we can help increase opportunities for women in all industries and occupations. Learn more about the Women's Bureau Centennial at dol.gov/WB100.

National Summit on Women in Apprenticeship

National Summit on Women in Apprenticeship

On November 14, 2019, the Women's Bureau celebrated the U.S. Department of Labor's fifth annual National Apprenticeship Week by hosting the National Summit on Women in Apprenticeship. Summit attendees explored ways to help advance and expand apprenticeship opportunities for women in all sectors and industries, as well as discussed promising apprenticeship models. The Summit brought together more than 200 stakeholders, including business leaders, educational institutions, labor unions, policymakers, researchers, and workforce development agencies.