Angola Country Profile

Angola Country Profile

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Country Overview

CDC established a partnership with the Angola Ministry of Health in 2002 and is currently providing critical support for a range of health issues including controlling the HIV/AIDS epidemic, reducing the burden of tuberculosis (TB), addressing the threat of malaria, and developing a skilled public health workforce. As part of this partnership, CDC builds laboratory capacity, including diagnostic services for HIV and TB and quality management systems, and supports the accreditation process for two of Angola’s national labs—the National TB Reference Laboratory and the National AIDS Program Laboratory. Also, working closely with the National AIDS Program and National TB Program, CDC supports the development and implementation of the country’s health information systems.

Per Capita GNI



Population (million)



Under 5 Mortality

81/1,000 Live Births


Life Expectancy

62 Years


Estimated HIV Prevalence


(Ages 15-49): (2018)

Estimated AIDS Deaths



TB Treatment Success Rate



Estimated TB Incidence



TB Mortality



Estimated Orphans Due to AIDS



TB patients with known HIV-status who are HIV-positive



Reported Number Receiving Antiretroviral Therapy (ART)



Strategic Focus

Strengthening Public Health Systems

HIV Services: CDC supports the provision of technical assistance for the implementation of Test and Treat in nine model health facilities providing high quality HIV, Tuberculosis (TB) and diagnostic laboratory services in Luanda to showcase best practices, and replicate throughout the country.

Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP): CDC provides support to improve HIV disease surveillance, data quality collection, analysis and to build capacity for effective outbreak alert and response through providing support to the FETP.

Strengthening Laboratory Systems and Networks
CDC builds laboratory capacity, including diagnostic services for HIV and Tuberculosis (TB) and quality management systems. CDC supports laboratory strengthening through providing technical assistance and mentorship training on viral load (VL) monitoring, use of GeneXpert for point of care VL, early infant diagnosis (EID) and TB diagnostics at the model facilities. CDC supports laboratory accreditation process for two labs including the National TB reference lab and the National AIDS Program lab.

Strengthening Health Information Systems
Working closely with the National Aids Program and National TB Program, CDC provides support for the development and implementation of health information systems. CDC supports the use of a longitudinal electronic information system at the 9 model health facilities to effectively track individual patients through the continuum of treatment from HIV diagnosis and antiretroviral treatment (ART) initiation to pharmacy pick-up and VL monitoring.

Key Activities and Accomplishments

ART Services: In FY17, CDC provided technical assistance for the development of the Test and Start roll-out strategy, and new national HIV clinical guidelines. In FY2017, CDC supported 5,696 people living with HIV (PLHIV) initiate ART and 24,201 PLHIV currently on treatment at PEPFAR model sites.

Viral Load: In FY17, CDC supported the pilot and scale-up of routine VL monitoring at four of the model sites; 13,240 VL samples were processed and 9,337 PLHIV were virally suppressed.

TB/HIV One Stop Shop Model: CDC supported the implementation of TB One Stop shop integrated TB/HIV care and treatment models at 8 sites to enhance linkage between HIV and TB treatment facilities. CDC supported improved TB diagnostics through the use of Xpert. In FY17, 81% of TB patients were tested for HIV and 63% of co-infected TB/HIV patients were on ART at the model sites.


Combating the Global TB Epidemic

Despite being preventable and treatable, tuberculosis (TB) is now the leading infectious disease killer in the world, taking the lives of 1.6 million people each year.

PEPFAR15 – Saving lives through American generosity and partnerships

For fifteen years, CDC has played a critical role in PEPFAR’s efforts to save millions of lives and transform the global HIV/AIDS response

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CDC’s innovative efforts to Find, Cure, and Prevent TB are creating a safer America and a safer world.

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Page last reviewed: August 26, 2019, 01:35 PM