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OnDemand Training Webinars

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Creating green, clean and healthy schools requires mastering the school environment using a comprehensive approach to indoor air quality (IAQ) management. The IAQ Tools for Schools Program hosts web-based trainings that provide school district staff across the country with the knowledge needed to start, improve or sustain an IAQ management program in their school or school district. Each pre-recorded webinar features technical experts, industry leaders and model school districts, and is followed by a 30-minute mentoring question and answer session.

Gain recognition for your knowledge achievement and commitment to action through certificates of completion and continuing education units (CEUs) for each training.

On this page:

IAQ Master Class Professional Training Webinar Series

The IAQ Master Class Professional Training Webinar Series comprises ten 1-hour technical, web-based trainings designed to provide school district staff the knowledge and tools they need to execute an IAQ management program. This series was developed by the School Health and Indoor Environments Leadership Development (SHIELD) Network—a group of diverse stakeholders who, in collaboration with EPA, are working together toward the bold goal of ensuring that all schools have healthy indoor environments. 

By viewing these webinars, you will acquire foundational knowledge on topics including—

  • Asthma triggers
  • HVAC systems
  • Moisture and mold
  • Energy efficiency
  • Integrated pest management
  • Cleaning and maintenance
  • Materials selection and source control

Complete all 10 hours and you will be acknowledged with a certificate that recognizes your efforts toward IAQ mastery as a member of the IAQ Master Class!

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IAQ Knowledge-to-Action Professional Training Webinar Series

The ongoing IAQ Knowledge-to-Action Professional Training Webinar Series comprises 1-hour technical, web-based trainings that demonstrate how the knowledge gained in the IAQ Master Class Professional Training Webinar Series can be translated into actionable steps to continue improving IAQ within your school district.

By viewing these webinars, you will build capacity and learn how to—

  • Implement a successful organizational and programmatic framework for comprehensive and proactive IAQ management;
  • Address building-related environmental health issues and how to use the detailed walk-through assessment checklists in the School IAQ Assessment Mobile App to identify and prioritize IAQ improvements;
  • Identify, collect and use data to develop a business case and value proposition that generate broader acceptance of, compliance with and funding for IAQ management; and
  • Promote preventive maintenance as a proactive approach to addressing IAQ issues in schools.

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Healthy Indoor Environments in Schools Webinar Series

The Healthy Indoor Environments in Schools Webinar Series is part of the IAQ Tools for Schools Program’s ongoing commitment to stakeholders working to ensure that schools are healthy places to work and learn. Intended to help school staff in responding to concerns in their facilities, view these webinars to learn about best ventilation and cleaning practices for controlling viruses, and reducing the spread of infectious disease.

Check this page regularly for new webinars!

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Energy Savings Plus Health Webinar Series

Access on-demand webinars on a variety of topics related to IAQ, energy efficiency and preventive maintenance, such as getting started using the IAQ Planner and Energy Savings Plus Health guide; integrating IAQ into energy efficiency measures, including preventive maintenance; strategies to start, improve or sustain an IAQ managment program; employing cost savings to develop a value proposition to gain buy-in and secure funding for your IAQ program; utilize preventive maintenance to take your IAQ management approach from reactive to proactive; and best practice from school districts. 

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Access these free, on-demand trainings at your convenience!