CDC’s Global Health Partnerships

CDC Works 24/7 Around the World to Keep Americans Healthy, Safe, and Secure

The United States must be in a strong position to prevent, detect, and respond to diseases threats to ensure the health of the American people. Global health security increases national and economic security for the United States. CDC fights diseases globally to stop health threats overseas before they spread to the U.S.

To achieve this, CDC must maintain a strong and effective global health presence to protect Americans from diseases that can begin anywhere in the world. Our global programs address more than 400 diseases and health threats. These programs are run by CDC disease experts recognized worldwide in disciplines that include epidemiology, surveillance, informatics, laboratory systems, and more.

Though CDC has more than 70 years of public health excellence, a record of trailblazing science, and evidence-based decision-making, we cannot do this alone. Today’s global health challenges require collaboration and coordination with a wide variety of stakeholders and partners to advance CDC’s work in protecting Americans and saving lives around the world. Together, CDC and its partners are able to accomplish more than any one organization or institution can on its own.

Our Global Health Partners

Through its work with partners, CDC maintains a strong, effective global health presence to better protect Americans from major health threats wherever they arise. Global partners expand the reach of the work CDC experts do to strengthen critical public health services around the world—which helps protect the health of Americans both at home and abroad. Our partners in global health include a variety of valuable stakeholders and partners, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Foreign governments and ministries of health
  • Other U.S. government agencies
  • The World Health Organization and other international organizations
  • Academic institutions
  • Foundations
  • Nongovernmental organizations
  • Faith-based organizations
  • Businesses and other private organizations

Through partnerships we can ensure the entire world is better prepared to respond to heath threats. Learn more about our exciting partnerships in action through Stories of CDC’s Work Around the World.

Page last reviewed: May 9, 2017
Content source: Global Health