IETA Application Process

IETA Applications Now Being Accepted!

The application cycle for this year has officially opened and the IETA program is currently accepting applications for its 2019-2020 IETA Cohort 21. You can download the application form by clicking on this link: CDC 0.1418 pdf icon[PDF – 95 KB].

Please fill out application information electronically, including your signature as well as your first- and second-level supervisors’ signatures. If you cannot sign the document electronically, you may print it and then sign.

A complete application will include the following documents:

  • Completed application form with essays and all requisite signatures
  • Current résumé
  • Most recent full-year performance appraisal rating or COER rating (cover sheet with rating official’s signature only)
  • SF-50 or Personnel Orders (non-CDC applicants only)

Scan or combine all items together to create one PDF document and send this document to  by Friday, June 28, 2019. Please use “IETA Application Submission” in the subject line when submitting your application. Incomplete application packages will not be reviewed.

Timeline: All complete applications will be reviewed and rated with highly-qualified applicants being invited to interview by telephone in early August.  Applicants will be invited to participate in IETA Cohort 21 by late August. The program’s first workshop is scheduled October 9 – 11, 2019.

If there are any questions about the application process, please e-mail or contact the Program Manager at (404) 718-8874.

Medical clearance information: Please note that after being accepted into the program, you must be issued a Department of State Medical Clearance before departing overseas for assignment. The purpose of a medical clearance is to identify specific health needs and medical conditions that may require specialty management, follow-up, or monitoring. This is meant to reduce the need for medical travel during the 12-week assignment due to lack of local health resources.

Failure to receive a medical clearance is very rare, but post-specific medical clearances (Class II) are not uncommon. A Class II clearance will determine the location of a participant’s assignment. This topic will be discussed in detail during IETA’s first workshop and the medical clearance will be completed after this training session.

Page last reviewed: May 31, 2019
Content source: Global Health