Why CDC Is Involved with Global Measles & Rubella

Health Cost: Measles and rubella can cause serious illness, birth defects, and death.

In 2019, measles claimed 207,500 lives, mostly children.

Measles and rubella (also known as “German measles”) are diseases that can lead to serious health complications, or even death. Measles infection can also lead to disabilities, long-term illness and put children at higher risk for other childhood killers – like pneumonia, diarrheal diseases and meningitis – because it destroys immunity to these sometimes-higher risk diseases.

A young baby in the hospital with measles in the Philippines.

A baby in the hospital with measles (rubeola) in 2014, Manila, Philippines. After typhoon Haiyan, the Philippines experienced a large measles outbreak. [Photo: Jim Goodson]

Rubella, also known as “German Measles,” is generally a mild disease but can have serious consequences for pregnant women and their children. If infected with rubella in early pregnancy, women have a very high risk of giving birth to a child with Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS).

CRS often results in multiple birth defects including as heart problems, deafness and blindness. More than 100,000 children are born with CRS each year. The lifelong complications and disabilities can have an immeasurable emotional, social and financial cost for families.

Measles and rubella are what’s known as “vaccine-preventable diseases” (VPD). This means that if vaccine is delivered on schedule and as recommended, it can keep people from catching and giving these diseases to others.

Every death or disability caused by measles and rubella infection is entirely preventable.

For more information, see About Global Measles, Rubella, and Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS) and Fast Facts on Global Measles, Rubella, and Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS).

Monetary Cost: Measles and rubella cost families and countries millions annually (but are cheap to prevent).

A young girl holds up her pinky finger, which is marked to show she has received her measles vaccination.

A young girl of Leauvaa Village in the Pacific region shows the ink mark on the tip of her finger which confirms she has received a measles vaccination.

Measles can lead to economic losses for families, as well as place a heavy burden on local and national health systems. For example, a household in Ethiopia can lose one month’s income to care for a child sick with measles.

Responding to measles outbreaks can also carry high costs for the health system, including in the United States. An economic impact study of 16 measles outbreaks in the U.S. in 2011 estimated the public health cost of responding to those outbreaks ranged between $2.7–$5.3 million (based on a sampling of 107 cases from the outbreaks).

Compared to these real monetary costs, preventing measles and rubella is a best buy for public health:

  • Two recommended doses of measles and rubella vaccine cost less than $2 per child.
  • Vaccinating against measles and rubella produces huge rewards; every $1 invested in the measles vaccine yields a $58 return!

Security Cost: Measles and rubella can spread from anywhere in the world.

In 2019, the United States reported the highest number of measles cases and outbreaks since measles was eliminated in 2000.

Our ability to prevent infectious diseases and quickly detect and contain outbreaks where they start is a pillar of U.S. national security. We know that diseases can quickly cross borders, from emerging viruses like COVID-19 to a well-known respiratory disease like measles. In 2019, the United States recorded the highest number of measles cases since 1992. Measles outbreaks in New York during 2018 and 2019 lasted close to 11 months and threatened U.S. measles elimination status. These outbreaks were linked to travel from Israel, Ukraine, and UK to the United States.

In 2019, the United States had 25 outbreaks of measles related to imported cases from other countries.

In total, there were 92 reported importations of measles in 2019 with 25 of those linked to outbreaks sparked in the U.S. While vaccination coverage rates for measles is high in the U.S., there are geographic pockets of unvaccinated or under-vaccinated people. Measles is so contagious that it can quickly spread to these at-risk and more isolated populations. CDC and global immunization partners are united in their efforts to reach children with vaccines ahead of the possible easing of COVID-19 travel restrictions and increased population movement.

Currently, there are measles outbreaks in every region of the world, and the measles threat increases as immunity gaps grow due to COVID-19’s impacts on routine immunizations and planned vaccination campaigns worldwide. These measles outbreaks are not only a sign of poor measles vaccination coverage, but also a known marker, or ‘tracer,’ that vital health services may not be reaching populations most at-risk.

The best protection against measles, rubella and all vaccine-preventable diseases is to reach and vaccinate every child and at-risk group on time. CDC works globally to help strengthen immunization systems, prevent measles and rubella, mitigate and contain measles outbreaks at their source and protect Americans where they live, work, and play.


A public health worker in Malawi conducts an interview with a family to see if the young daughter of the family has been vaccinated.

A public health worker in the Rumphi District of Malawi conducts an interview with one of the District’s families to determine if the daughter has received her appropriate vaccinations.

Ongoing Challenge: Too many children are missing out on the benefits of vaccines.

Measles and rubella vaccines are safe, cost-effective and improve the lives of children and communities worldwide, yet millions of children worldwide are still missing out on life-saving vaccines.

In 2019, an estimated 13.8 million infants worldwide were left out of routine immunization services.

A CDC priority is to reduce the number of “zero dose” children who do not receive any protection from vaccine-preventable diseases starting at birth. This is particularly important for measles and rubella because these viruses can quickly spread to unvaccinated populations and lead to serious health outcomes, including death.

Actions: CDC works worldwide to eliminate measles and rubella.

CDC works with partners worldwide to eliminate measles and rubella, protecting children from these deadly and disabling diseases. Learn more about what CDC is doing to achieve a world free from measles and rubella.

Page last reviewed: November 12, 2020
Content source: Global Immunization