STOP: Field Epidemiology Position

STOP General Overview

The STOP program is recruiting qualified applicants to participate in STOP assignments working as field epidemiologists. These participants will be deployed through the World Health Organization (WHO), a STOP/CDC partner, to countries requiring support and technical assistance in polio and vaccine preventable disease immunization and surveillance activities.

STOP Field Epidemiology participants will be assigned to work with in-country counterparts on activities that may include the following:

  • Improving surveillance for AFP, measles/rubella, tetanus and other priority VPDs
  • Supporting the planning, implementation and monitoring of polio, measles/rubella, and other immunization campaigns to improve vaccination coverage
  • Strengthening Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) systems through capacity building of EPI staff, training and advocacy
  • Supporting outbreak response activities for outbreaks of VPDs and other infectious diseases

STOP Field Epidemiology participants need to be extremely motivated and flexible individuals, who can work well independently and on teams, under difficult conditions, and with people of different cultures.

STOP Position Requirements

The STOP Program is seeking experienced public health professionals with extensive experience working within the public health system, specifically in EPI, surveillance and capacity building. To qualify, candidates must have:

  • At Least 5 years of relevant experience working in the field of public health and an advanced degree in a relevant field, or 10+ years of experience working in the field of public health, specifically in:
    • VPD surveillance, including AFP, measles and rubella, yellow fever, neonatal tetanus, and other VPDs
    • Planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating immunization program activities, such as polio and measles/rubella SIAs and routine immunization activities
    • Conducting suspected case investigations, as well as disease outbreak investigations for AFP, measles/rubella and other VPDs
    • Performing training and capacity building activities for health workers especially for immunization and surveillance programs
  • Fluency in English or French
  • Fluency in a second language desired, particularly Arabic, Portuguese or Spanish
  • Previous experience working or studying internationally is desired

STOP Malaria Overview

The STOP-Malaria program is recruiting qualified applicants to participate in STOP assignments working as field epidemiologists. These participants will be deployed through the World Health Organization (WHO), a STOP/CDC partner, to countries requiring support and technical assistance in surveillance, and malaria case investigation and response activities.

STOP-Malaria Field Epidemiology participants will provide expertise to support countries with malaria elimination goals. Participants will be assigned to work with in-country counterparts on activities, focusing on malaria, that may include the following:

  • Strengthening surveillance
  • Investigating and classifying cases
  • Determining causes of transmission and developing appropriate response strategies
  • Strengthening systems through capacity building of staff, training and advocacy

STOP-Malaria Field Epidemiology participants need to be extremely motivated and flexible individuals, who can work well independently and on teams, under difficult conditions, and with people of different cultures.

STOP Malaria Position Requirements

The STOP-Malaria Program is seeking experienced public health professionals with extensive experience working within the public health system, specifically in malaria, surveillance and capacity building. To qualify, candidates must have the following education, experience and skills:

  • Education: Advanced degree (Masters level or above) in epidemiology or public health or another relevant field, such as medicine, OR 10+ years experience in malaria control and surveillance; AND
  • Experience: A minimum of 5 years of experience in public health surveillance of infectious disease, with at least 3 years of surveillance of malaria, OR 5 years of experience in malaria control; AND
    • Advanced knowledge of surveillance approaches or malaria control strategies.
  • Skills: Excellent interpersonal skills, including integrity, good judgment, team working and diplomacy. Ability to work quickly and willingness to deliver products under time pressure and short deadlines. Self-starter, self-motivated, self-manager. Willingness and capacity to take responsibility, ability to juggle many tasks concurrently and prioritize workload in a pressured environment with competing demands and high expectations.
  • All candidates must be fluent in English
  • Fluency in a second language particularly French, Arabic, Portuguese or Spanish, is strongly desired
  • Previous experience working or studying internationally
Page last reviewed: April 24, 2020
Content source: Global Immunization