Data in Action: The Details


What we do:

  • Contribute to strengthening immunization and surveillance systems by improving the availability and use of high quality data.
  • Build national capacity to systematically assess and monitor information systems.


  • Develop, test, and implement groundbreaking tools and methods to evaluate data quality and the immunization data management cycle.
  • Build national capacity in using innovative tools and methods to evaluate data quality assessment through training workshops and field exercises.
  • Develop guidelines and self-help materials (such as case studies and training exercises).
  • Conduct operational research on data quality and impact evaluations.

Examples of recent work:

  • Pilot assessments of Immunization Data Quality Assessment (IDQA) protocol in Bolivia and Uganda.
  • Review national immunization program in Cameroon.
  • Build the capacity of the national immunization program staff to assess and improve immunization data quality in Democratic Republic of Congo.
  • Assess and revise the WHO HQ Vaccine Preventable Invasive Bacterial Disease (VP-IBD) sentinel surveillance system


Text version of graphic:

  1. Data Management
    1. Collection
    2. Collation
    3. Data Entry
    4. Reporting
  2. Data Use
    1. Information Knowledge Understanding
      1. Analysis
      2. Interpretation
      3. Communication
    2. Informed Decisions
      1. Program Design
      2. Implementation
      3. Monitoring & Evaluation
    3. Changes in Policies & Practices
  3. Health Impact
    1. Reduced Morbidity & Mortality
Page last reviewed: January 27, 2014
Content source: Global Immunization