Office of Electricity

The Office of Electricity provides leadership to ensure that the Nation’s energy delivery system is secure, resilient and reliable. The office includes three divisions – Advanced Grid Research and Development, Energy Resilience and Grid Operations Technology – that work closely with the private and public sectors to make sure the nation’s critical energy infrastructure is able to recover rapidly from disruptions. 

A large waterfront city at night, with bright yellow lights in the street.


Energy Transitions Initiative Partnership Project Releases Technical Assistance Application
December 17, 2020
ETIPP partners will work with communities to address energy and infrastructure challenges in a way that prioritizes community values, needs, and goals
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Optimizing the Grid by Connecting with Communities
December 8, 2020
The Energy Department recently announced an investment of up to $65 million through its Connected Communities funding opportunity
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Department of Energy’s Electricity Advisory Committee Establishes the Grid Resilience for National Security Subcommittee
November 30, 2020
The GRNS will provide guidance on anticipating intensifying threats and developing new approaches to risk management and threat mitigation
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Innovative Tool for Electricity Infrastructure Permitting Expands to Include Information on the Clean Air Act
October 29, 2020
The RAPID Toolkit now includes information on Clean Air Act compliance for bulk transmission project development in all 50 states
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Departments of Defense and Energy Sign Memorandum of Understanding to Enhance Energy Resilience
September 28, 2020
The MOU establishes a partnership on efforts related to energy resilience and the protection of military installations and critical infrastructure
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Report: Fiber Optics Feasibility Assessment
July 22, 2020
The Fiber Optics Feasibility Assessment report is part of a national strategy to identify and remove barriers to broadband access
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OE Supports Technology Commercialization Fund Projects
July 20, 2020
The Office of Electricity contributed nearly $1.3 million in support of seven Technology Commercialization Fund (TCF) projects
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DOE Office of Electricity Issues Request for Information for Bulk-Power System Executive Order
July 8, 2020
The Office of Electricity announced a RFI to solicit views on safeguarding the bulk-power system (BPS) supply chain from threats and vulnerabilities.
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U.S. Department of Energy Announces 2020 Electricity Advisory Committee
July 1, 2020
New and returning members of the EAC will advise on electricity resilience, reliability, security, interdependencies, and policy issues
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President Trump Signs Executive Order Securing the United States Bulk-Power System
May 1, 2020
President Donald J. Trump signed an Executive Order, Securing the United States Bulk-Power System
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EAC Profiles #1: Meet the EAC Leadership
November 23, 2020
Meet Electricity Advisory Committee leaders: Chair Wanda Reder of Grid-X Partners, and Vice-Chair Michael Heyeck of The Grid Group
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New Transmission Resilience Maturity Model Helps Utilities Improve Resilience
October 7, 2020
The model will measure the maturity of transmission resilience programs and identify improvements to increase the resilience of transmission systems
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Secretary Brouillette and Assistant Secretary Walker Help Dedicate the Grid Storage Launchpad
September 22, 2020
Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette and OE's Assistant Secretary Bruce Walker participated in the dedication ceremony for the Grid Storage Launchpad.
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OE’s Gilbert Bindewald and Stephen Walls Speak on Electric Grid Resilience
August 14, 2020
Watch OE's Gilbert Bindewald and Stephen Walls address the Stanford University Smart Grid Seminar Series on electric grid resilience
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Watch the Energy Storage Grand Challenge Workshops
August 5, 2020
The Department of Energy hosted a series of virtual workshops to support the Energy Storage Grand Challenge. Watch the workshops here.
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Kirtland Air Force Base DC Microgrid is Fully Operational
July 29, 2020
An OE supported DC microgrid project at Kirtland Air Force Base generates and distributes energy independently
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OE Report: Solid State Power Substation Technology Roadmap
July 13, 2020
The future of substation technology and advancements in grid power electronics is examined in the “Solid State Power Substation Technology Roadmap"
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Critical Electric Infrastructure Information Final Rule: Questions and Answers
May 15, 2020
On May 15, 2020, the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Critical Electric Infrastructure Information (CEII) Final Rule goes into effect.
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Program Reviews Keep OE Research on TRAC
April 2, 2020
The TRAC program accelerates grid modernization by addressing challenges with power transformers and other grid hardware technologies
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Jennifer DeCesaro on Puerto Rico Grid Resilience
March 26, 2020
Jennifer DeCesaro serves as DOE’s Recovery Coordinator and Director for Recovery and Resilience Investments for the Office of Electricity (OE)
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Learn More About OE's Activities

Advanced Grid Research and Development
Advanced Grid Research and Development activities accelerate discovery and innovation in electric transmission and distribution technologies and ...
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Energy Resilience
Energy Resilience Division activities execute energy assurance technical assistance by partnering with key Federal, state, and industry stakeholders
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Grid Operations Technology
Grid Operations Technology engineers end-to-end systems for grid modeling, operations, security, measurement, and synchronization at scale
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OE Leadership
Learn more about OE's leadership team.
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Electricity Advisory Committee (EAC)
The mission and goal of the Electricity Advisory Committee
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The Role of Microgrids in Helping to Advance the Nation’s Energy System
Microgrids, which are localized grids that can disconnect from the traditional grid to operate autonomously and help mitigate grid disturbances to ...
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Grid Modernization Initiative
Grid Modernization Initiative (GMI) seeks to work across the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to create the modern grid of the future.
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Transformer Resilience and Advanced Components (TRAC) Program
Transformer Resilience and Advanced Components (TRAC) Program
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Energy Storage
OE's Energy Storage Program performs research and development on a wide variety of storage technologies, including batteries (both conventional and...
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Electricity 101
Frequently asked questions and information about systems, entities, and policy related to electricity in the U.S.
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The Department of Energy’s Loan Programs Office (LPO) finances large-scale, all-of-the-above energy infrastructure projects in the United States.
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Power Marketing Administrations

Bonneville Power Administration
Learn more about the Bonneville Power Administration
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Southeastern Power Administration
Learn more about Southeastern Power Administration (SEPA)
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