STOP: Frequently Asked Questions

Why are STOP participants needed?

The work of STOP participants is extremely important to achieve polio eradication, strengthen immunization systems, and reduce the burden of vaccine preventable diseases (VPDs) around the world. Many countries have a shortage of skilled public health staff available to fully support immunization and surveillance activities. The World Health organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), working in conjunction with national Ministries of Health, request skilled, short-term consultants from the STOP Program, who can provide field support and capacity building for immunization and surveillance programs.

STOP participants will have an opportunity to work closely with representatives from Ministries of Health, WHO, UNICEF, and local communities in their country of assignment.

Who is qualified to participate in the STOP Program?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is seeking highly qualified public health professionals to join the STOP Program for up to two 11-month assignments, for a maximum of two years. Please click on the links below to find out more about the specific qualifications for each STOP position.

Fluency in English or French is required and fluency in a second language such as Portuguese, Spanish or Arabic is desired.  Prior experience working or studying internationally is highly desired, but not required to apply.

What do STOP participants do in the field?

In collaboration with local, national, and international counterparts, STOP participants often participate in the following activities:

  • Improving acute flaccid paralysis (AFP), measles/rubella, and other VPD surveillance through training of local health workers, supportive supervision, active surveillance, and more
  • Assisting with the planning, implementation and monitoring of polio, measles/rubella, and other immunization campaigns (NIDs)
  • Improving Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) systems through capacity building, supportive supervision, and advocacy
  • Providing technical expertise in communications plans and social mobilization activities to support VPD eradication and control efforts
  • Using communication methodologies to help increase the demand for childhood immunization and acceptance of vaccinations
  • Supporting the national government and local partners in advocacy for vaccination as well as the development, implementation, management, monitoring and evaluation of communications plans for the national EPI program
  • Improving immunization and surveillance data recording and reporting processes
  • Improving data quality monitoring, evaluation and feedback sharing with data sources
  • Improving data analysis and use
  • Improving data sharing with partners and stakeholders


How long is a STOP assignment?

Each STOP assignment is 11 months long and there is a possibility to redeploy for up to two assignments, for a maximum total of two years with the STOP Program

Where are STOP participants sent?

STOP participants are deployed around the world to countries which request technical assistance with their VPD surveillance and immunization programs. These include polio endemic and high risk polio countries, priority countries for measles and rubella elimination, and other countries at high risk of VPD transmission. These countries can change from year-to-year, so it is not possible to request a country of placement and placement in a country is not guaranteed. To see a map of where STOP participants have been deployed in the past, please click here.

In what conditions do STOP participants live during their assignments?

STOP participants work at the lowest level of the health systems in their countries of assignment, often in challenging environments with very demanding living and working conditions. While the safety of our STOP participants is of the utmost importance, STOPers are deployed to countries most in need of assistance with immunization and surveillance programs and live in difficult conditions alongside their in-county colleagues and the communities they serve. Some challenges may include lack of adequate electricity and water, rugged traveling conditions, limited medical facilities, and limited communication.

Can family members accompany STOP participants?

No – as STOP participants are frequently sent to challenging environments with very demanding living and working conditions, family members are not permitted to accompany STOP participants to their country of assignment. In addition, family members are not permitted to accompany STOP participants to training. Applicants should also be aware that communications in the field can be very limited, as many areas may have little or no telephone or Internet access. Applicants should seriously consider their personal/familial situation or any other extenuating circumstances before applying

Do I need previous international experience to apply to the STOP Program?

No – previous experience working or studying internationally is desired, but not required for participation in the STOP Program.

Is STOP an employment opportunity?

No – STOP is not an employment opportunity; it is a volunteer position.

Will I Have Health Insurance Coverage as a STOP Participant?

Under the WHO consultancy contract, STOP participants are entitled to medical and security evacuation and are covered by an accident and emergency medical health insurance coverage (outsourced to Cigna International). They are also covered by a Cigna permanent disability and death coverage scheme.

Am I guaranteed deployment to the field with STOP?

No STOP participant is guaranteed a position in the field. The STOP Program reserves the right to withdraw your acceptance to the team or terminate your contract at any time (during training or while on assignment).

Should I quit my job?

No – the STOP recruitment process is long and the landscape on the ground is ever changing. Please do not quit your job prior to being formally accepted to the STOP Program. In addition, please speak with your supervisor about the possibility of taking an extended leave of absence or suspending your contract if selected to participate in the STOP Program.

Who issues my STOP contract?

Although participants are recruited and trained primarily by the CDC, STOP participants are under the supervision of either WHO or UNICEF once deployed to the field. Therefore, STOP participants are deployed under short-term WHO contracts.

STOP participants are administered nil-remuneration WHO consultancy contracts for the duration of their assignment.  Under this non-staff contract type they are considered WHO “experts”.  The WHO contract aids the STOP participant in working with country offices, local government, NGOs, local partners and facilitates their movements within the country.  However, as non-staff, STOP participants neither have the status of “officials” nor diplomatic immunity.

Can I keep my current UN contract?

No – it is not possible to hold two UN contracts at once. Since STOP participants are deployed on WHO contracts, you must either suspend your current UN contract or decline to participate in the STOP Program.

Do I need a passport?

Yes – you must possess a valid passport before applying to the STOP Program.

Can I go on personal travel during my assignment?

STOP is a full time job and STOP participants are recruited to assist in areas of the world that need their complete attention and dedication. You should expect seven-day work weeks during your assignment. Leaving your post during your assignment period is highly discouraged and must be approved in advance by WHO/UNICEF and CDC. Your daily per-diem provided will be docked accordingly and all travel expenses are the responsibility of the STOP participant.

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Page last reviewed: April 24, 2020
Content source: Global Immunization