Advanced Scientific Computing Research

The Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) program leads the nation and the world in supercomputing, high-end computational science, and advanced networking for science.
Maintaining U.S. leadership requires specialized computer scientists and applied mathematicians who know how to develop supercomputing methods to harness supercomputers to solve real world problems today and develop the technology of the future. Supercomputers push the edge of what is possible for US science and innovation—enabling scientists and engineers to explore systems too large, too complex, too dangerous, too small, or too fleeting to do in the real world. From atoms to astrophysics understanding these complex systems delivers new materials, new drugs, more efficient engines and turbines, better weather forecasts, and other technologies to maintain U.S. competitiveness in a wide array of industries.
We support U.S. research at hundreds of institutions and deploy open-access supercomputing and network facilities at our National Laboratories. Our supercomputers are the world’s most powerful and our high-speed network is specially built for moving enormous scientific data, at light speed. From artificial intelligence to quantum computing, our vibrant research community keeps the U.S. ahead in a rapidly evolving high-tech field and impacted industries. Through strong partnerships between scientists, applied mathematicians and computer scientists, we maintain U.S. leadership in science, technology, and innovation.
Learn more about the mission of Advanced Scientific Computing Research and how we support it here.

Introducing Summit

The biggest problems in science require supercomputers of unprecedented capability. That’s why the US Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) launched Summit, the world's fastest supercomputer. Summit is providing scientists with incredible computing power to solve challenges in energy, artificial intelligence, human health, and other research areas, that were simply out of reach until now. These discoveries will help shape our understanding of the universe, bolster US economic competitiveness, and contribute to a better future. 

ASCR Science Highlights

“Multitasking” AI Tool Extracts Cancer Data in Record Time
August 11, 2020
“Multitasking” AI Tool Extracts Cancer Data in Record Time
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Intense Light Pulses Bounce on a Crystalline Bed without Rumpling the Atomic Blanket
June 25, 2020
X-ray scattering measures the positions of atoms as they vibrate in a two-dimensional cover sheet.
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Linking Properties to Defects in 2D Materials
May 11, 2020
Scientists reveal oxygen’s hidden talent for filling atomic gap in 2D semiconductors & the surprising role of electron spin in electronic conductivity
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Artificial Intelligence Joins the Team for Smarter & Faster Experiments
March 23, 2020
Researchers have developed new artificial intelligence methods to enable “autonomous experimentation.”
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Climbing the Staircase to Fusion
February 5, 2020
Forming a staircase in the edge of the plasmas can boost the performance of a fusion reactor.
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Stretched to the Limit and Sparkling on Curved Surfaces
January 30, 2020
Growing two-dimensional crystals on curved surfaces introduces strain to control the crystal’s light emission.
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Breaking Through Computational Barriers to Create Designer Proteins
January 30, 2020
Using advanced computing, scientists designed protein pairs that perfectly complement each other.
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Simulations Identify Importance of Atomic-Level Distortions in Certain Fuel Cell Materials
January 30, 2020
Researchers determine how to design better materials for energy storage.
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Accelerating the Development of Nuclear Fusion
December 17, 2019
Developing computer models of the plasma in a unique device is helping a company take the next steps towards producing power.
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Summit Charts a Course to Uncover the Origins of Genetic Diseases
December 17, 2019
Researchers create the most complete model yet of complex protein machinery.
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ASCR Program News

Department of Energy to Provide $32 Million for Advanced Computational Research in the Sciences
Awards Will Team Physical Scientists with Experts in Advanced Computing
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Department of Energy Announces $2 Million for Neuromorphic Computing Research
Projects Seek to Develop New Approaches to Computing Modeled on the Human Brain
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U.S. Department of Energy to Provide $16 Million for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Research
The funding will support predictive modeling and simulation for physical sciences research and “decision support” in managing complex processes.
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Department of Energy Announces $8.5 Million for FAIR Data to Advance Artificial Intelligence for Science
Projects will Advance Artificial Intelligence through Greater Data Access
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Department of Energy to Provide $2 Million for Neuromorphic Computing Research
Studies Seek to Develop New Approaches to Computing Modeled on the Human Brain
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Department of Energy Announces $30 Million for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Research
Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced a plan to provide up to $30 million for advanced research in machine learning (ML)
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Department of Energy to Provide $60 Million for Science Computing Teams
Today, DOE announced a plan to provide $60 million to establish multidisciplinary teams to develop new tools and techniques to harness supercomputers
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Department of Energy Announces $60.7 Million to Advance Quantum Computing and Networking
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has announced $60.7 million in funding to advance the development of quantum computing and networking.
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Fusion's Path to Practicality
Company embraces supercomputing in quest for viable fusion energy.
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Artificial Intelligence Can Make the U.S. Electric Grid Smarter
Argonne researchers apply machine learning to inform more reliable grid planning and operations.
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ASCR Subprograms

A cylindrical shock wave produces this intricate flow pattern

Applied Mathematics Research

The applied mathematics research program develops the key mathematical advances, algorithms, and software for using high-performance scientific computing to solve real-world problems.

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ASCR Computer Science Research

Computer Science Research

The computer science research program supports research to enable computing and networking at extreme scales and generate innovative advancements in computer performance.

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ASCR Computational Partnerships

Computational Partnerships

Our partnership program supports deep collaborations between discipline scientists, applied mathematicians and computer scientists to accelerate scientific computing.

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ASCR Emerging Technologies

Emerging Technologies

Computer technology is a rapidly advancing field. Emerging technologies are supported through the Research and Evaluation Prototypes program and addresses the challenges of next-generation technologies.

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ASCR Supercomputing and Network Facilities

Supercomputing and Network Facilities

Open to researchers from industry, academia, and the national laboratories, ASCR supercomputers are among the fastest in the world and our network is specifically engineered to quickly moving large scientific data.

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Contact Information

Advanced Scientific Computing Research
U.S. Department of Energy
SC-21/Germantown Building
1000 Independence Avenue., SW
Washington, DC 20585
P: (301) 903 - 7486
F: (301) 903 - 4846