Global Health Security

Antelopes in Chad

Learn how International Health Regulations help protect people

Street scenes in downtown Mysore, India. The CDC is helping to develop the capacity of the public health sector in India to deal with rising rates of non-communicable diseases, which are on the rise in both India's upper and lower classes due to changing diets and demographic shifts.

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Children play on a small patch of grass in the community of Mikocheni in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania's capital city. Through the Phones for Health program, supported by the CDC Foundation, the CDC is working to streamline Tanzania's health care reporting system so that local healthcare workers in both the public and private sectors can use text messaging and Interactive Voice Response (IVR) to report health trends at the local level to district level supervisors.

Learn about global health security

More than 70% of the world remains underprepared to prevent, detect, and respond to a public health emergency.1 Through the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA), CDC works with countries to strengthen public health systems and contain outbreaks at the source, before they spread into regional epidemics or global pandemics. Public health threats, health emergencies, and infectious diseases do not recognize or respect boundaries. Effective and functional public health systems in all countries reduce the risk and opportunity for health threats to affect the U.S.


1 Implementation of the International Health Regulations (2005)