NCD Training Modules

Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are responsible for nearly 40 million deaths each year, representing almost 75% of all deaths worldwide. This includes deaths caused motor vehicle accident injuries, and chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and chronic respiratory diseases. NCD deaths represent an emerging global health threat and now exceed all communicable, maternal, and perinatal nutrition-related deaths combined. The majority of these deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries, where growing numbers of people are affected by NCDs and health systems are often not equipped to respond effectively.

To strengthen a global workforce’s ability to identify and address NCDs and improve surveillance, prevention, and control, CDC developed a series of training materials that can be downloaded and adapted for use by public health practitioners, health educators, and others. The NCD training materials are comprised of 24 modules, designed to:

  • Provide a basic understanding of NCDs
  • Increase NCD epidemiology and program management capacity
  • Complement FETP projects and mentorship
  • Increase public health infrastructure and workforce capacity for disease surveillance, prevention, management, and control

These materials emphasize training needs in low- and middle -income countries and also may be appropriate for audiences in high income countries, including the U.S. public health workforce. The modules were pilot-tested in Jordan, China, Columbia, Kenya, Tanzania, and Thailand.

Modules include a facilitator’s guide, participant’s guide, PowerPoint presentations, and exercises with case studies. The modules are divided into three categories:

  1. Introductory: Instructor-led training modules on NCD epidemiology, surveillance, prevention, and control
  2. Advanced: NCD-focused, self-paced training for those with basic epidemiology skills; builds upon skills taught in the introductory materials
  3. Management: NCD-focused, instructor lead and self-paced training for those who have the desire and necessary skills to learn chronic disease program management-related skills

For further information about noncommunicable diseases, please visit the Global Noncommunicable Diseases website.

Introductory FETP NCD Training Modules

Training Module

Facilitator Guides

Participant Guides

Powerpoint Presentation

Learning Objective

Introductory: These modules are moderated by an instructor. At the end of this module, participants will be able to fulfill the learning objectives

Training Module: Introduction to NCD Epidemiology

Powerpoint Presentation: PDF pdf icon[1.16 MB – 65 Pages]

Learning Objective: Describe how you will use epidemiology to address a public health problem

Training Module: Overview of NCDs and Related Risk Factors

Powerpoint Presentation:  PDF pdf icon[1.57 MB – 96 Pages]

Learning Objective: Describe the burden of disease of the 4 main NCDs
Describe how risk factors affect the burden of NCDs

Training Module: NCD Burden of Disease

Powerpoint Presentation:  PDF pdf icon[1.35 MB – 64 Pages ]

Learning Objective: Calculate incidence, prevalence and mortality
Apply definitions of DALY and QALY

Training Module: Descriptive and Analytic Studies

Powerpoint Presentation:  PDF pdf icon[595 KB – 76 Pages]

Learning Objective: Identify the following for an NCD problem

  • Type of study to conduct
  • Sampling methods to use
  • Measure of association to calculate for a particular study

Interpret the results of descriptive and analytic studies

Training Module: Analysis and Interpretation of Surveillance Data

Powerpoint Presentation:  PDF pdf icon[1.20 MB – 21 Pages]

Learning Objective: Describe data to collect based on the objective of a surveillance system
Identify how to present surveillance data
Interpret surveillance data, including trends and patterns

Training Module: Prioritizing Public Health Problems

Powerpoint Presentation:  PDF pdf icon[1.01 MB – 40 Pages]

Learning Objective: Identify the key stakeholders and partners with whom to prioritize public health problems
Identify the criteria for prioritizing public health problems
Reach consensus on the two highest priority NCDs on which to focus prevention and control efforts.

Training Module: NCD Surveillance in Public Health

Powerpoint Presentation:  PDF pdf icon[1.91 MB – 49 Pages]

Learning Objective: Identify whether a noncommunicable disease (NCD) surveillance system is active or passive
Draw a diagram of the flow of data through an NCD surveillance system
Identify possible sources of selection bias and information bias for an NCD surveillance system.

Training Module: Data Sources for NCD Surveillance

Powerpoint Presentation:  PDF pdf icon[779 KB – 43 Pages]

Learning Objective: Identify the strengths and limitations of surveillance data sources.
Select and explain the source of data to use.

Training Module: NCD Prevention and Control

Powerpoint Presentation:  PDF pdf icon[909 KB – 51 Pages]pdf icon

Learning Objective: Describe action items for accomplishing at least three of the WHO objectives from the 2008-2013 Global Strategy Action Plan in your own country
Describe potential barriers to implementing the recommendations and how to overcome them

Training Module: Selecting Interventionspdf icon

Powerpoint Presentation:  PDF pdf icon[471 KB – 39 Pages]

Learning Objective: Draw a causal diagram to describe a noncommunicable disease (NCD) or risk factor
Use the Community Guide to identify one evidence-based behavioral intervention and one policy, systems and environmental (PSE) intervention to address an NCD or risk factor
For one selected intervention:

  • Describe how at least one behavioral theory or model has been applied or used to develop the intervention
  • Describe how to adapt the intervention to local culture or
  • Describe at least two non-evidence based factors that may impact the intervention

Advanced FETP NCD Training Modules

Training Module

Facilitator Guides

Participant Guides

Other Documents

Learning Objective

Advanced: These are self-paced or guided modules, which build on the series of introductory NCD training materials. Many of these advanced modules have prerequisites. At the end of these modules, participants will be able to do fulfill the learning objectives.

Training Module: Evaluating Surveillance Systems
Prerequisite courses:

  • NCD Data Sources
  • NCD Surveillance in Public Health

Facilitator Guide:  PDF pdf icon[711 KB – 22 Pages]

Participant Guide:  Workbook
PDF pdf icon[1.92 MB – 96 Pages]

Other Documents:  Activity Workbook
PDF pdf icon[917 KB – 23 Pages]Field Guide
PDF pdf icon[181 KB – 21 Pages]

Learning Objective: Plan for evaluating a surveillance system in your country
Assess the attributes, conclusions and recommendations of a sample surveillance system evaluation
Complete the six steps to evaluating a surveillance system
Follow the Field Guidelines to write an evaluation report
Create a PowerPoint presentation

Training Module: Developing a Protocol
Prerequisite courses:

  • NCD Data Sources
  • Prioritizing Public Health Problems
  • Managing Data (Adv)

Facilitator Guide:  PDF pdf icon[453 KB – 24 Pages]

Participant Guide: Workbook
PDF pdf icon[815 KB – 69 Pages]

Other Documents:  Activity Workbook
PDF pdf icon[273 KB – 23 Pages]

Learning Objective: Write a proposal that has the following sections:

  • background
  • justification for the study
  • research question or hypothesis
  • objectives of a study
  • proposed methods
  • expected benefit

Assess the quality of a sample protocol
List the information to include in a protocol for a noncommunicable disease (NCD) study you are proposing

Training Module: Creating an Analysis Plan
Prerequisite courses:

  • NCD Burden of Disease
  • NCD Surveillance in Public Health

Facilitator Guide:  PDF pdf icon[494 KB – 29 Pages]

Participant Guide: Workbook
PDF pdf icon[531 KB – 45 Pages]

Other Documents:  Activity Workbook
PDF pdf icon[109 KB – 8 Pages]

Learning Objective: Participants will be able to create an analysis plan that includes the following:

  • Research question(s) and/or hypotheses
  • Dataset(s) to be used
  • Inclusion/exclusion criteria
  • Variables to be used in the main analysis
  • Statistical methods and software to be used
  • Table shells to prepare for:
    • Univariable analysis
    • Bivariable analysis
    • Calculating measures of association
    • Assessing for confounding and effect measure modification.

Training Module: Managing Data

Facilitator Guide:  PDF pdf icon[523 KB – 23 Pages]

Participant Guide: Workbook
PDF pdf icon[706 KB – 35 Pages]

Other Documents:  Activity Workbook
PDF pdf icon[88 KB – 6 Pages]Questionnaire
PDF pdf icon[74 KB – 4 Pages]

Learning Objective: Create a data dictionary that includes, at a minimum:

  • Variable names;
  • Variable descriptions or labels;
  • Variable types;
  • Response options and allowable values.

Clean the data

  • Identify errors, including duplications, missing data, miscodes, and outliers.
  • Use statistical software to identify and correct errors.

Training Module: Analyzing and Interpreting Large Datasets

Facilitator Guide:  PDF pdf icon[448 KB – 36 Pages]

Participant Guide: Workbook
PDF pdf icon[2.64 MB – 82 Pages]

Learning Objective: Conduct and interpret descriptive analysis and analytic epidemiology
Summarize your findings
Prepare a report

Management FETP NCD Training Modules

Training Module

Facilitator Guides

Participant Guides

Other Documents

Learning Objective

Management: These are instructor lead and self-paced modules designed to develop chronic disease planning and management skills. At the end of these modules, participants will be able to do fulfill the learning objectives.

Training Module: Using Economic Analysis** (Skills exercise; not full module)

Facilitator Guide:  Skills Assessment
PDF pdf icon[88 KB – 11 Pages]</a

Participant Guide: Skills Assessment
PDF pdf icon[79 KB – 9 Pages]pdf icon

Learning Objective: Describe the types of economic analyses
List the components of a cost-benefit analysis (CBA)
Use results of CBAs to inform decisions about implementing public health interventions
Calculate the cost-effectiveness ratio and interpret the findings

Training Module: Community Needs Assessmentpdf icon

Facilitator Guide:  PDF pdf icon[566 KB – 29 Pages]

Participant Guide: Workbook
PDF pdf icon[1.75 MB – 79 Pages]

Other Documents: Field Guide
PDF pdf icon[190 KB – 15 Pages]Activity Workbook
PDF pdf icon[225 KB – 18 Pages]

Learning Objective: Plan for a community needs assessment by

  • Identifying a community team
  • Describing the scope of the assessment
  • Listing the questions to ask
  • Selecting sites
  • Determining data collection methods or sources
  • Identifying key informants
  • Review and rate data collected from a community needs assessment
  • Summarize data by creating sector data grids
  • Develop and prioritize strategies for improvement
  • Create a community action plan that includes
    • Project period objective
    • Annual objective(s)
    • Activities needed to complete the objectives
    • Persons responsible for completing the activities
    • Estimated completion time

Training Module:  Using Science to Inform Policy

Facilitator Guide:  PDF pdf icon[539 KB – 21 Pages]

Participant Guide: Workbook
PDF pdf icon[754 KB – 49 Pages]

Other Documents: Field Guide
PDF pdf icon[223 KB – 12 Pages]Case Study (Facilitator)
PDF pdf icon[352 KB – 22 Pages]

Learning Objective: Scope and impact of the health issue
Costs (economic and morbidity/mortality) of the issue
Recommended policy to address the issue
Consequences of implementing the policy, including effectiveness, costs, savings
How the policy option(s) can be implemented
Barriers to implementing the policy and ways to overcome them

Training Module:  Program Planning

Facilitator Guide:  PDF pdf icon[194 KB – 16 Pages]

Other Documents: Workbook
PDF pdf icon[375 KB – 37 Pages]Case Study
Tobacco (Facilitator)
PDF pdf icon[152 KB – 16 Pages]Case Study Tobacco (Participant)
PDF pdf icon[133 KB – 15 Pages]Case Study Hypertension (Facilitator)
PDF pdf icon[125 KB – 15 Pages]Case Study Hypertension (Participant)
PDF pdf icon[132 KB – 14 Pages]

Learning Objective: Define a health problem
Plan a program to address the health problem

Training Module:  Evaluating Public Health Programs

Learning Objective: Engaging stakeholders
Describing the program
Focusing the evaluation design
Gathering credible evidence
Justifying conclusions
Ensuring use and sharing lessons learned

Training Module:  Data Dissemination

Participant Guide:  PDF pdf icon[973 KB – 18 Pages]

Learning Objective: Describe the communication message
Identify the target audience
Select the communication channel to use
Describe how the message will be marketed

Training Module:  Overview of Evaluating Surveillance Systems

Learning Objective: Using a sample evaluation report of a noncommunicable disease (NCD) surveillance system, identify how the components were described and evaluated

Training Module:  Evaluating Public Health Programs

Learning Objective: At the end of the training, you will be able to follow CDC’s framework to evaluate a public health program