Economic Impact of NCDs

A woman undergoes a preventative screening in Bangladesh. Effective noncommunicable disease interventions can prevent premature deaths and strengthen global economies.

Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) can have devastating impacts on personal financial security and national economic growth. In low- and middle-income countries, NCDs often affect people during their most productive years. When individuals with NCDs face tremendous healthcare costs and a restricted ability to work, households struggle with increased financial risk. These high healthcare expenses and reduced productivity strain developing economies and impede social and economic development.

Making the Case for Action

Investing in NCD prevention and control strategies could prevent millions of premature deaths and billions in economic loss.1 Research that evaluates the economic impact of NCDs and NCD interventions enables countries to adopt effective programs and policies. CDC collaborates with partners to:

  • increase scientific research on the economics of NCDs
  • create tools to evaluate NCD costs
  • train global partners on economic analysis and evaluation
  • use evidence to inform NCD strategy development

CDC also supports and co-chairs the International NCD Economics Research Network, a global coalition of academic, governmental, and nongovernmental researchers that produces and shares peer-reviewed research on the impact of NCD prevention and control programs and policies.