Global Noncommunicable Disease Programs

CDC collaborates with partners to enhance global health and economic security and reduce premature noncommunicable disease (NCD) deaths and disabilities. We produce scientific evidence, strengthen workforce capacity, and improve surveillance and evaluation systems. Our activities focus on promoting and supporting innovative, evidence-based interventions to prevent and control NCDs. We align our efforts with global targets including the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the WHO Global Monitoring Framework.





Nurse takes older woman's blood pressure in a clinic.

Generating Evidence


Produce scientific evidence on NCDs, risk factors, and interventions to develop effective interventions and enable informed decision-making


Woman reviews surveillance paperwork with man.

Strengthening Workforce


Strengthen public health infrastructure and workforce capacity to empower countries to address health needs and avoid health crises


Epidemiologist interviews woman on residential street in China.

Improving Surveillance


Improve NCD surveillance, monitoring, and evaluation systems to enable countries to set priorities, target interventions, and monitor success

  1. WHO. Global status report on noncommunicable diseases, 2010pdf iconexternal icon. Page accessed 6/17/2016.
  2. World Economic Forum, Harvard School of Public Health. The global economic burden of non-communicable diseasespdf iconexternal icon. Page accessed 6/17/2016.
  3. WHO. Scaling up action against noncommunicable diseases: How much will it cost?pdf iconexternal icon Page accessed 6/17/2016.
  4. WHO. Injuries and violence: the factsexternal icon. Page accessed 6/17/2016.
  5. WHO. Household air pollution and healthexternal icon. Page accessed 6/17/2016.
  6. WHO. Cancerexternal icon. Page accessed 6/20/2016.