What We Learn

During this 2-year experiential service fellowship, EIS officers serve our country while learning to apply epidemiology and gaining practical skills to become future public health leaders.

EIS officers seven step training process.

About 10% of EIS training occurs through a rigorous mix of small and large group classroom instruction, case studies, exercises, and e-learning. About 90% of the training is provided through hands-on assignments under the guidance of seasoned mentors and supervisors (usually EIS alumni).

Didactic training activities include:

Timing/duration For which officers? Training topics covered
1-month summer orientation course
1st year in-depth information and guidance on an array of topics ranging from federal employment protocols/expectations and fellowship competency requirements to investigating outbreaks, conducting epidemiologic research and surveillance, evaluating surveillance systems, analyzing data, risk communication, collaborating with state/local health departments, and more
1-week fall course
(early December)
1st year infectious disease modeling, community assessment for public health emergency response, data analysis, presentation development and delivery, communicating with news media, and more
2nd year project management, leadership, public health ethics, scientific writing, data visualization, with career development and networking opportunities
Throughout fellowship 1st & 2nd year  ongoing opportunities to present investigative work during CDC’s internal weekly seminars
Group roundtable discussion

outbreak case study on salmonella case study sheet

group rountable discussion

lab epi nexus presentation

speaker giving presentation on outbreaks

speaker giving presentation on stage

On-the-Job training activities involve:

  • Applying epidemiologic skills in assigned public health projects, such as infectious and noninfectious disease, global health, injury prevention, environmental health, and occupational health
  • Deploying as a ready-responder to CDC’s Emergency Operations Center or field site to provide epidemiologic assistance for disease outbreaks and other urgent public health threats, and to provide disaster relief following natural and industrial events
  • Collaborating with multidisciplinary experts across and within CDC, other public health agencies and partners
  • Meeting routinely with supervisor(s)
  • Consulting with mentors, supervisors and other seasoned professionals within the EIS network


For more information about EIS officers’ fellowship experiences, visit the EIS Hear Our Stories web page.