William H. Foege Award

(Field Epidemiology Training Program International Night Award)
The William H. Foege Award was established in honor of Dr. William H. Foege, the renowned epidemiologist, Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient and former CDC Director credited with devising the global strategy that led to the eradication of smallpox in the late 1970s. This award is the highest FETP International Night honor and is presented to the best oral presentation.


  • 2019 Kokuhabwa Irene Mukurasi. Linkage into Care Among Newly Diagnosed HIV Infected Individuals in Njombe Region, Tanzania 2017-2018: A prospective cohort
  • 2018. Phoebe Alitubeera. Food poisoning outbreak caused by poisonous cassava flour: Kasese District, Uganda, September 2017
  • 2017 R. Sahu et al. Outbreak Investigation of Acute Diarrheal Disease During a Religious Festival Associated with Drinking Contaminated Pipeline Water
  • 2016 P Nayak et al. Outbreak Investigation of Cutaneous Anthrax in Koraput, Odisha-India–2015
  • 2015 T. Matare et al. Factors Associated with First-Line Human Immunodeficiency Virus Treatment Failure in Zvishavane District, Zimbabwe–2014
  • 2014 D. Bangure. Effectiveness of Short Message Services Reminder on Childhood Immunization Progamme in Kadoma, Zimbabwe—A Randomized Controlled Trial, 2013
  • 2013 M. Wang. Mumps Attenuated Live Vaccine Effectiveness: 1:1 Matched Case-Control Study—Zhongshan, China, 2011-2012
  • 2012 L. Ibrahim. Factors Associated with Interruption of Treatment Among Pulmonary Tuberculosis patients in Plateau State, Nigeria, 2011
  • 2011 P Baral. Hepatitis Outbreak Caused by Contaminated Tamarind Water Served in a Mobile Food Kiosk in an Affluent Urban School of Mayurbhanj, Orissa, India, September 2010
  • 2010 K. Han. Shigellosis Outbreak in an Elementary School—Sichuan Province, China, June 7-16, 2009
  • 2009 A. Jardine et al. The Impact of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccination on Rates of Hospitalization for Pneumonia, Australia, 1998-2007
  • 2008 G. Sailybayeva et al. HIV Outbreak Investigation Among Hospitalized Children in Shymkent City, Southern Kazakhstan, June-November 2006
  • 2007 M. Dehkanova et al. Outbreak Investigation of Leptospirosis in Fayezabad District, Tajikistan, April 14-22, 2006
  • 2006 M. Sala et al. High-Level Beta-Hexachlorocyclohexane Contamination in Dairy Farms in the Sacco River Valley, Latium, Italy, 2005
  • 2005 Y. Zhang et al. Large Outbreak of Waterborne Paratyphoid Fever Attributed to a Contaminated Well in a Rural Junior High School in Guangxi Province, China, 2005
  • 2004 L. Daufembach et al. Barium Toxicity After Exposure to Contaminated Contrast Solution in Goiás State, Brazil, 2003
  • 2003 U. DÜrr et al. Outbreak of Aseptic Peritonitis Among Peritoneal Dialysis Patients Associated with the Use of Icodestrin in Extremadura, Spain, January–April 2002
  • 2002 T. Lanzieri et al. Congenital Rubella Syndrome Following a Community-Wide Rubella Outbreak in Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil, 2000-2001
  • 2001 E. Galanis et al. Oculo-Respiratory Symptoms Associated with Influenza Immunization in Canada, 2000
  • 2000 T. Pelayo et al. Study of Two Outbreaks of Mumps in Children Vaccinated with the Rubini Strain in Spain: Estimation of Vaccine Efficacy, 2000