Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMPs)

What Healthcare Providers Need to Know

Responsible Prescribing Can Save Lives

Clinical practice guidelines encourage use of the PDMP prior to prescribing to assess a patient’s history of controlled substance use.

It is possible to improve the way opioids are prescribed, reducing the number of people who misuse, abuse, or overdose from them, while making sure patients have access to safe, effective pain management.

What is a PDMP?

A prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP) is an electronic database that tracks controlled substance prescriptions. PDMPs can help identify patients who may be misusing prescription opioids or other prescription drugs and who may be at risk for overdose.

prescription drug monitoring program illustration of pharmacies and healthcare providers

Use PDMPs to Improve Patient Safety

PDMPs can alert you to provide potentially lifesaving information and interventions. Take action to improve patient safety.

Check the PDMPpdf icon. It’s an important step to improve opioid prescribing practices.

Access the latest data. Learn what can be done about overdoseand related harms. CDC VitalSigns