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OE offers technical assistance on implementing the new and pending EPA air rules affecting the electric utility industry. Examples of typical assistance include technical information on cost and performance of the various power plant pollution retrofit control technologies; technical information on generation, demand-side or transmission alternatives for any replacement power needed for retiring generating units; and assistance to regulators regarding any evaluations or approvals they may have to make on utility compliance strategies.

For more information about EPA's suite of power sector regulations, click the links below:

Examples of frequently asked questions:

  • What are the major retrofit technologies that can be used to facilitate compliance with the rules?
  • What are the historical costs and performance of retrofit technologies and how will these technologies impact the operation of a unit?
  • Historically, what are the timeframes and scheduling considerations associated with retrofitting pollution control technologies, such as engineering, permitting, construction, and tie-in?
  • What options are there for addressing replacement power (e.g. dispatch, new units, demand side options, transmission improvements)?
  • What if I am using my plant for ancillary services only? What are the most cost-effective alternatives to comply?
  • How should I decide when to retrofit a unit or when to retire a unit?
  • What are other potential technical challenges faced when the decision to retrofit or retire a unit is made?

Additional technical assistance is available through other DOE offices. For more information, see DOE’s State, Local, and Tribal Technical Assistance page. Please visit DOE’s Technical Assistance on Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategies in the Electric Power Sector page for information specific to these EPA regulations. 



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