Syringe Services Programs (SSPs)

a doctor explaining information to a patient; a person reading a brochure; a person lying on a pillow looking sad; and a father and son hugging. Five icons run across the bottom of the banner: a medical bag, pile of dollars, a caduceus, police officer, and playground

Syringe services programs (SSPs) are community-based prevention programs that can provide a range of services, including linkage to substance use disorder treatment; access to and disposal of sterile syringes and injection equipment; and vaccination, testing, and linkage to care and treatment for infectious diseases.

SSPs protect the public and first responders by facilitating the safe disposal of used needles and syringes. Providing testing, counseling, and sterile injection supplies also helps prevent outbreaks of other diseases.

Nearly thirty years of research shows that comprehensive SSPs are safe, effective, and cost-saving, do not increase illegal drug use or crime, and play an important role in reducing the transmission of viral hepatitis, HIV and other infections.

More about Syringe Services Programs

SSPs save lives, help those experiencing a substance use disorder get the support needed to regain a healthy life, and reduce the impact of drug use on the community. We can prevent and treat infections and overdose deaths through SSPs. Together, we have an unprecedented opportunity to combat the nation’s opioid crisis while continuing to strengthen infectious disease prevention and treatment for communities everywhere.

Syringe Services Programs Infographic

Materials on Syringe Services Programs
  • Summary of Information on the Safety and Effectiveness of SSPs: a summary outlining the evidence of SSP effectiveness on reducing HIV and viral hepatitis for use by state and local health departments, national partners, and decision-makers
  • SSP Fact Sheet: a fact sheet that includes evidence that SSPs can help prevent transmission of blood-borne infections, help stop substance use, and help support public safety
  • SSP Infographic pdf icon[PDF – 473 KB]: What are SSPs?, a handout for state and local health departments and community partners that describes what SSPs are and what they can do – available in a print and web format
  • SSP FAQ: frequently asked questions and answers about SSPs with supporting evidence for use by state and local health departments, national partners, and decision-makers
Page last reviewed: May 23, 2019