Prevention Strategies & Guidelines

To reverse the obesity epidemic, places and practices need to support healthy eating and active living in many settings. Below are recommended strategies to prevent obesity.

Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity Prevention Strategies

The CDC Guide to Strategies to Increase Physical Activity in the Community Cdc-pdf[PDF-1.2MB] provides guidance for program managers, policy makers, and others on how to select strategies to increase physical activity.

Physical Activity: Built Environment Approaches Combining Transportation System Interventions with Land Use and Environmental DesignExternal
The Community Preventive Services Task Force recommends built environment strategies that combine one or more interventions to improve pedestrian or bicycle transportation systems with one or more land use and environmental design interventions to increase physical activity.

The CDC Guide to Strategies to Increase the Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables Cdc-pdf[PDF-2.1MB] provides guidance for program managers, policy makers, and others on how to select strategies to increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables.

The CDC Guide to Breastfeeding Interventions provides state and local community members information to choose the breastfeeding intervention strategy that best meets their needs.

Recommended Community Strategies and Measurements to Prevent Obesity in the United States Cdc-pdf[PDF-376KB] contains 24 recommended obesity prevention strategies focusing on environmental and policy level change initiatives that can be implemented by local governments and school districts to promote healthy eating and active living.

Early Care and Education Strategies

CDC’s framework for obesity prevention, in the ECE setting is known as the Spectrum of Opportunities Cdc-pdf[PDF-666KB]. The Spectrum identifies ways that states, and to some extent communities, can support child care and early education facilities to achieve recommended standards and best practices for obesity prevention. The Spectrum aligns with comprehensive national ECE standards for obesity prevention address nutrition, infant feeding, physical activity and screen time, Caring for Our Children: National Health and Safety Performance Standards (CFOC), 3rd ed. Cdc-pdf[PDF-4.71MB]External

School Health Guidelines

School Health Guidelines to Promote Healthy Eating and Physical Activity provides nine guidelines that serve as the foundation for developing, implementing, and evaluating school-based healthy eating and physical activity policies and practices for students in grades K-12.

The following resources are designed to assist schools and program coordinators to inform stakeholders and school health services staff on obesity facts, engaging students and managing chronic health conditions.

Community Guide

The Community Guide – Obesity Prevention and ControlExternal is a free resource to help you choose programs and policies to prevent and control obesity in your community.

Clinical Guidelines

Expert Panel on Integrated Guidelines for Cardiovascular Health and Risk Reduction in Children and Adolescents Cdc-pdf[PDF-3.26MB]External This resource summarizes the integrated guidelines develop by the Federal Government to address cardiovascular disease in children and adolescents.

Screening for Obesity in Pediatric Primary Care: Recommendations from the U.S. Preventive Services Task ForceExternal Guidance for primary care providers in screening for obesity and offering or referring to comprehensive, intensive behavioral weight management interventions.

Expert Committee RecommendationsExternal The American Academy of Pediatrics released the Expert Committee Recommendations that suggest screening all children for obesity (>=2 years) and providing tiers of care regarding the treatment and prevention of obesity.

2013 Guideline on the Assessment of Cardiovascular RiskExternalThis is a Report of the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines for reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.