Making A Difference

14,000 hours of professional development trainings to promote physical activity among young children

14,000 hours of professional development trainings to promote physical activity among young children

2% Decrease—Obesity declined among toddlers on WIC aged 2 to years 4 years from 15.9% in 2010 to 13.9% in 2016.

Children on a crosswalk with the text 1 in 5

Children on a crosswalk with the text 1 in 5

22K+—Between 2011 and 2016, more than 22,000 ECE providers voluntarily pledged to adopt obesity prevention practices in childcare centers across the nation.

Children on a crosswalk with the text 1 in 5

Children on a crosswalk with the text 1 in 5

5,000+—As of 2018, the Salad Bars to School program has delivered over 5,000external icon salad bars to schools across the nation.



10% Increase—The percentage of US adults meeting the aerobic physical activity guideline significantly increased from 44% in 2008 to 54% in 2017.

For More Information Please Visit

For more information, please visit