National Prediabetes Awareness Campaign

In 2016, CDC partnered with the American Diabetes Association, American Medical Association, and Ad Council to launch the first national prediabetes awareness campaign. The campaign’s humorous public service announcements (PSAs) encourage millions of people to find out their risk by taking a 1-minute test at DoIHavePrediabetes.orgexternal icon. The campaign website also links to sites nationwide that deliver the National Diabetes Prevention Program (National DPP) lifestyle change program.


As of spring 2020:

  • More than 3.4 million people visited the site and completed a prediabetes risk test.
  • More than 124,000 went on to visit the National DPP website to find a lifestyle change program.

This award-winning campaign—one of the Ad Council’s most successful ever—has been extended. Watch for new PSAs soon!

1 in 3 adults has prediabetes. It could be you or someone you know.

Phase 3: 2018

1 in 3 adults has prediabates. Could be you, your co-pilot, your co-pilot's co-pilot

More than 88 million American adults—that’s 1 in 3—have prediabetes. That 1 in 3 could be you, your brother, your other brother. You, your co-pilot, your co-pilot’s co-pilot. These PSAs bring the risk of prediabetes home to viewers by making it up close and personal. Read more about Phase 3.

The perfect way to spend a minute.

Phase 2: 2017

84 million americans have prediabates. Even puppy lovers.

PSAs offer viewers the “perfect way to spend a minute”: take a 1-minute test to learn their prediabetes risk while also doing something everyone loves—watching adorable animal videos. Viewers who score 5 or higher are urged to talk to their doctor and visit DoIHavePrediabetes.orgexternal icon to learn more.

No one is excused from prediabetes.

Phase 1: 2016

86 million americans, maybe even you, have prediabates. Guy-stuck-in-traffic.

Busy lives can stop people from taking steps to improve their health, but a prediabetes diagnosis can spur them to act. From the campaign’s key message, Prediabetes is real, and you could have it. Know where you stand, a relatable, humorous creative concept was developed: No one is excused from prediabetes. And a strong call to action: Visit DoIHavePrediabetes.orgexternal icon to take the risk test and learn moreRead more about Phase 1.

Page last reviewed: September 3, 2020