Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation (DEEOIC)

The Advisory Board on Toxic Substances and Worker Health for the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA) was established in 2015. The Department of Labor's Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP) and EEOICPA program provide compensation and medical benefits to nuclear weapons workers who were diagnosed with medical conditions related to exposure to toxic substances at covered nuclear facilities. The Advisory Board is mandated by the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2015, which amended the EEOICPA to include Section 3687, creating the Advisory Board. By Executive Order 13699 of June 26, 2015, the President established the Advisory Board and delegated responsibility to maintain the Advisory Board to the Secretary of Labor. The NDAA of 2020 added to the Board’s advisory responsibilities. The Board reports to the Secretary of Labor.

The Advisory Board on Toxic Substances and Worker Health will advise the Secretary of Labor with respect to technical aspects of the EEOICPA program:

  • the site exposure matrices of the Department of Labor;
  • medical guidance for claims examiners for claims under this subtitle with respect to the weighing of the medical evidence of claimants;
  • evidentiary requirements for claims under subtitle B related to lung disease;
  • the work of industrial hygienists and staff physicians and consulting physicians of the Department and reports of such hygienists and physicians to ensure quality, objectivity, and consistency;
  • the claims adjudication process generally, including review of procedure manual changes prior to incorporation into the manual and claims for medical benefits; and
  • such other matters as the Secretary considers appropriate.

The Advisory Board's Charter is posted here. By Charter, the Advisory Board must meet at least twice per year.

Per Section 3687(i), as amended in 2018, the Advisory Board shall terminate on December 19, 2024 (10 years after enactment of the legislation mandating the establishment of the Board).