5 Questions to Ask Your Health Care Team

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1. How do I manage my ABCs?

ABCs of diabetes explained in section

A: Get a regular A1C test to measure your average blood sugar over 2 to 3 months.

B: Try to keep your blood pressure below 140/90 mm Hg (or the target your doctor sets).

C: Control your cholesterol levels.

s: Stop smoking or don’t start.

Keeping your ABC numbers close to target levels can lower your risk of long-term health problems. Ask your health care team to help you set personal targets.

2. How will I know if my medicines are working?
bulls eye and medicine bottle

Are your ABC numbers close to or at your target levels?

  • If the answer is yes, then your medicines and efforts are working. Keep up the good work!
  • If the answer is no, then meet with your health care team to see if your treatment plan needs to be changed. Be sure to take all of your medicines and blood sugar records when you meet with your care team. Bring prescription and over-the-counter medicines.
3. When and where can I learn more about how to manage my diabetes?


You can get help that matches your needs, goals, and life experiences.

Go to the Find a Diabetes Education Program in Your Areaexternal icon website to find programs that are recognized by the American Diabetes Association or accredited by the Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists.

The best times for diabetes education and support are:

  • When you’re first diagnosed with diabetes.
  • Once a year when you review your educational, nutritional, and emotional needs.
  • When new complications come up—for example, changes in your physical or emotional health or financial needs.
  • During changes in your care—for example, changes to your health care team, treatment plan, or living situation.


4. What vaccines should I have?
doctor and patient

Getting vaccinated is an important part of staying healthy, especially when you have diabetes. That’s because people with diabetes have a higher risk of serious health problems that vaccines can prevent.

Ask your health care team what vaccines you need and when.

5. When should I schedule health care appointments?
  • See your regular health care team twice a year or more.
  • See an eye doctor, foot doctor, and dentist once a year or more.

Regular health care helps you stay healthy, especially when you have diabetes. Ask to set up your next visit before you leave your health care provider’s office.

at least 1x a year see your eye doctor, foot doctor, dentist

at least 2x a year see you doctor

When you have diabetes, you will have a lot to manage. But you can take it one step at a time. Your health care team will help you set goals and make a treatment plan you can stick with. Visit CDC’s Diabetes website for information on how to manage your diabetes and live your healthiest life!

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Page last reviewed: July 15, 2020