National Hypertension Control Roundtable

National Hypertension Control Roundtable

The National Hypertension Control Roundtable (NHCR) is a multisector group of public, private, and nonprofit organizations unified to improve national hypertension control rates from about 50% today to at least 80% by 2025.

The NHCR was formed in 2020 after two national partner meetings convened by CDC’s Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention (DHDSP). These partner meetings were designed to initiate a national dialogue to address the challenges surrounding hypertension control. The NHCR will serve as a forum to continue that national dialogue and foster efforts to improve hypertension control in the United States.

Launched in February 2020 with more than 50 founding members, the NHCR is committed to meeting the challenge of hypertension control head on, both individually and through NHCR activities.

Join us as DHDSP strives to achieve a national hypertension control rate of 80% by 2025!

Roundtable Goals

The NHCR’s goals are

  • To actively spotlight the need for improved hypertension control in the United States
  • To achieve a national hypertension control rate of at least 80% by 2025
  • To establish an active, unified, and multisector roundtable committed to improving national hypertension control rates in the United States
  • To highlight innovative hypertension control strategies that may contribute to achieving a national hypertension control rate of 80%

Roundtable Background

The NHCR is a multisector group of organizations representing federal, state, and local government agencies; public health associations; professional health associations; health systems; health plans and managed care organizations; employers/purchasers; clinicians; academic institutions and researchers; community-based organizations; and foundations.

Although public health efforts continue to support hypertension control progress with traditional state and local partners, these efforts are not enough. The United States needs new, innovative partnerships and approaches to control hypertension rates throughout our society to ensure that the country has a healthy and productive workforce for decades to come.

Member Orientation Webinar

Please join us for the member orientation webinar for the National Hypertension Control Roundtable (NHCR).  Our agenda includes the NHCR background, our initial Goals and Objectives, our finalized organization structure, the current interim leadership for the roundtable and finally the opportunities our roundtable members will have to participate in and contribute to the efforts to hit 80% control by 2025.

Listen to the Webinar

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Hypertension in the United States

The stagnation in hypertension control rates nationally and the growing number of young people who have the condition pose a serious risk to the nation’s health and security.

Nearly half of all adults in the United States (108 million people, or 45% of U.S. adults) have hypertension, defined as a systolic blood pressure of at least 130 mm Hg or a diastolic blood pressure of at least 80 mm Hg.1 Even more troublingly, only about 1 in 4 (24%) of those people have their condition under control.1

High blood pressure costs the United States about $131 billion each year, averaged over 12 years from 2003 to 2014.2

The United States has experienced impressive advances in cardiovascular health over the past 100 years, but as a nation we are losing momentum.

Learn more facts about hypertension in the United States.

National Hypertension Control Roundtable

Join the Roundtable

Be part of our efforts to reduce uncontrolled hypertension. Connect with DHDSP to request additional information about joining the consortium.

Join Now

Founding Members

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Alliance of Community Health Plans

American Association of Nurse Practitioners

American Heart Association

American Medical Association

American Medical Group Association

American Medical Women’s Association

American Pharmacists Association

America’s Essential Hospitals

Arkansas Department of Health

Association of Black Cardiologists

Association of State and Territorial Health Officials

Blue Shield of California

California Chronic Care Coalition

CDC Foundation


Coborn’s, Inc.

Community Health of South Florida, Inc.

Engineered Floors LLC

George Washington University


HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health


Kresge Foundation

Medical University of South Carolina



Michigan Medicine

Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services

National Association of Chronic Disease Directors

National Association of Chain Drug Stores

National Association of Community Health Workers

National Forum

National Hispanic Medical Association

National Medical Association

New York University

Piedmont Healthcare

Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association

Public Health Institute

PyrAmes, Inc.


Stanford University

University of California, Berkeley

University of California, Davis

University of California, Los Angeles Health

University of Florida

University of Michigan College of Pharmacy

University of Southern California School of Pharmacy

Virginia Department of Health

Watts Healthcare

YMCA of the USA


  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Hypertension Cascade: Hypertension Prevalence, Treatment and Control Estimates Among US Adults Aged 18 Years and Older Applying the Criteria from the American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association’s 2017 Hypertension Guideline—NHANES 2013–2016external icon. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 2019.
  2. Kirkland EB, Heincelman M, Bishu KG, et. al. Trends in healthcare expenditures among US adults with hypertension: national estimates, 2003-2014. J Am Heart Assoc. 2018;7:e008731.