Policy Resources on Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention

The Applied Research and Evaluation Branch (AREB) strategically engages states, partners, and CDC colleagues to conduct and translate applied research and evaluation of heart disease and stroke policies and prevention efforts.

Our work focuses on policy interventions that address health equity and serve priority populations in the prevention, detection, treatment, and control of heart disease and stroke as well as enhance related systems of care.

Select a topic area to find policy resources on heart disease and stroke, such as assessments, fact sheets, reports, guides, and other tools.

The Policy Research Continuum

The Applied Research and Translation (ART) Team uses the Policy Research Continuum to understand which policies are likely to make the greatest impacts on cardiovascular health.

Policy Research Continuum: Early evidence assessments; policy surveillance; implementation studies; policy rating; impact research. All lead to dissemination and implementation and scale-up.

Learn more at our CDC Coffee Break: Advancing the Knowledge to Practice Through the Application of a Policy Research Continuum pdf icon[PDF – 1.6M].

Heart Disease and Stroke Death Rates

Heart Disease and Stroke Death Rates widget.

Learn how to embed the Heart Disease and Stroke widget on your website—it’s easy!

Use the Heart Disease and Stroke widget to find heart disease and stroke death rates by state and demographic.

The Heart Disease and Stroke widget is an application that allows data from the Interactive Atlas of Heart Disease and Stroke to be presented directly on your website.