Partner Support for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention FOA DP15-1504

DP15-1504: Partner Support for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention was developed to enhance the dissemination and promotion of evidence-based strategies and resources for preventing cardiovascular disease and to facilitate opportunities for partners to share best practices and evidence-based approaches at the state and local level.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention is pleased to announce an award of $500,000 per year, over the next 5 years, to the American Heart Association (AHA) to enhance Partner Support for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention (funding will be contingent upon availability of funds).  Funds will be used to provide guidance, tools, and resources for partners and to help sustain momentum around Million Hearts®-related efforts.  The five-year project period is from September 1st, 2015, through August 31, 2020.